It seems L&F’s response to just about everything is ignore, study some more, hire some more & keep on logging 16Nov2020

With still no response from L&F to the protests over logging in Mainland Moose Country, the Naturalists’ legally successful lawsuit not withstanding, I read this am that L&F is now looking for a Resource Analyst – Wildlife Biodiversity Modeler (Biologist 3).*

It seems L&F’s response to  public concerns is

  1. Ignore the protests
    (except those expressed behind closed doors by Big Forestry)
  2. Study some more
  3. Hire some more
  4. Keep on Logging.

I should have added: “Use Covid19 as an excuse for delays in responding.”

*From the Advertisement (bolding inserted):

About Our Opportunity

The Resource Analyst is a new position in the Wildlife Division. In this role, you will be able to showcase your leadership skills and provide professional and expert technical advice to various stakeholders. You will be responsible for carrying out ecological and statistical model development, programming, and database management of an integrated suite of population, habitat, ecosystem and landscape modelling data and using a variety of other wildlife management planning tools.

Primary Accountabilities

We are seeking an individual who is passionate about innovative new biodiversity modelling approaches and their implementation. The position will provide you with an exciting opportunity to demonstrate your creativity and initiative to advance provincial-level biodiversity conservation initiatives using a variety of ecological and statistical modelling approaches. You will provide expertise in the development of species and habitat distribution models that require a strong understanding of population dynamics, habitat ecology, and ecological relationships across a range of geographic and temporal scales to support an ecosystem-based management framework. You will play a central role in ensuring forest management is informed by and responsive to biodiversity and wildlife habitat requirements.

‘Might have added to the last sentence: ‘however, we value loyalty to senior administrators and willingness to keep your mouth shut in public except as pre-approved above all else.’

Tues Nov 17, 2020:
Also still open at L&F
Manager, Forest Management Planning
Manager, Crown Resource Development (just announced)
UPDATE Nov 20, 2020: New one, temporary position

Forestry Technician 2(A)-(B)-3
-Primary Accountabilities:
-Crown Land or Private Land management;
-Monitoring for Forest Sustainability Regulations compliance;
-Forest fire prevention and suppression;
-Wildlife studies, biological surveys & insects and diseases surveys;
-Parks operations & property and vehicle maintenance;
-Land administration;
-Public liaison and education activities
Amongst the Qualifications: You are a strong communicator (both verbally and in writing) and have sound judgement. You provide exceptional service to clients as well as respond appropriately to crisis situations. You should have some experience with GPS systems and ArcView software and be computer literate.



Harvest Notices
Compilation of recent notices of “proposed” logging on Crown Lands. The latest (Nov 16, 2020) is for 1154 hectares.

Pictou County beachgoers win right to challenge minister’s decision
Haley Ryan · CBC News Nov 15, 2020
“Lynn and others brought their concerns about the rock wall, which now reaches across the beach and into the ocean during high tide, to the Department of Lands and Forestry earlier this year. She said heavy construction equipment on the beach endangers the piping plovers that nest there, and no one should be allowed to build anything below the high-water mark on public beaches since it’s considered Crown land…A public email campaign was also started by the Black Point Beach Preservation Group, which has more than 500 members on Facebook…Iain Rankin, Lands and Forestry minister, emailed Skerrett back in June. He said staff visited the site and found the wall is perfectly legal because it’s on private property…But the applicants say this email is a “decision” that they want to undergo a judicial review. They say it’s contrary to the Nova Scotia Beaches Act, the Crown Lands Act and the Endangered Species Act.”

Nova Scotia Lands & Forestry seeking new Manager, Forest Management Planning12Nov2020
Post on NSFN, Nov 12, 2020

Nova Scotia L&F Minister responds to critics: “The progress has been significant when you look at the resources that have been put into the project teams” 23Aug2020
Post on NSFN Aug 23, 2020

Nova Scotia L&F’s response to the Lahey recommendations has been to “Talk and Log, Study and Log, Research and Consider Policy Changes but Continue to Log” 14Aug2020
Post on NSFN Aug 14, 2020

Industrial Forestry working the spreadsheets following L&F directive to reduce clearcutting on Nova Scotia’s Crown lands, while confusion reigns at L&F about the directive
Post on NSFN Sep 19, 2018 For a moment, it looked as though L&F was changing direction. It didn’t.

CBC interviews reveal WestFor got a one year renewal on its access to Nova Scotia’s Western Crown Lands on Oct 1, 2018
Post on NSFN Nov 7, 2018. On Oct 1, 2018, the same day the “New NAFTA” was announced, L&F secretly signed a new 1 year extension to the agreement with WestFor, removing some restrictions that had been in place when the Independent Review of Forestry was announced.

The Nova Scotia Government responds to The Lahey Report
Post on NSFN, Dec 3, 2018. & In a CBC report, Minister Rankin indicates L&F does not accept the prediction of the Independent Review that “less clear cutting would lead to a reduction of Crown land wood supply of 10 to 20 per cent, Rankin disagreed.
“We believe that we can sustainably grow this industry.””

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