The Nova Scotia Forest “Disturbance Paper” is out, also a paper on Borealization of the Acadian forest 31Aug2020

A “Natural Disturbance” (wind) uprooted this tree

While most of the L&F’s priority Projects addressing the Lahey recommendations appear to have lagged well behind the initial schedules posted on June 25, 2019, at least one clearly has not: the Natural Disturbance Regimes Project.

From the June 25, 2019 L&F Ecological Forestry webpage:

Natural Disturbance Regimes

  • The department will publish a peer-reviewed assessment of Nova Scotia’s natural disturbance agents, like fires, floods, insect infestations and large storms.
  • Professor Lahey recommended peer review of the department’s Natural Disturbance Regime methodology and mapping. Prior to undertaking this work the department will prepare a foundational paper on the natural disturbance agents for peer review.
  • The assessment will be ready to be submitted for peer review this fall.
  • This paper would then set the stage for a second paper specific to the mapping and methodology.
  • The project team is led by Mark Pulsifer. The team includes department staff with expertise in the field, landscape level planning, biodiversity and resource management planning.
  • Dr. David McLean and Dr. Anthony Taylor are external experts advising the project team. Dr. MacLean is Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick. Dr. Anthony Taylor is a forest ecologist with the Atlantic Forestry Centre, Fredericton.

I have just learned via the Medway Community Co-op Facebook Page that the paper cited above  is now publicly available and can be downloaded free of charge from Environmental Reviews.  View:

A review of natural disturbances to inform implementation of ecological forestry in Nova Scotia, Canada
by Anthony R. Taylor1,2*, David A. MacLean2, Peter D. Neily3, Bruce Stewart3, Eugene Quigley3, Sean P. Basquill4, Celia K. Boone5, Derek Gilby5, Mark Pulsifer3 Published on the web inEnvironmental Reviews Aug. 18, 2020
1 Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service – Atlantic Forestry Centre, 1350 Regent Street, PO Box 4000, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5P7 (current affiliation)
2 Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick, 28 Dineen Drive, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3, Canada
3 Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry, 15 Arlington Place, Suite 7, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 0G9
4 Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry, Wildlife Division, 136 Exhibition Street, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada B4N 4E5
5 Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry, Forest Protection Division, 23 Creighton Drive, Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia, Canada B0N 2H0

The paper  is provided in its manuscript form  –  I guess it will appear in its final, journal  form in the next issue of Environmental Reviews.

Comment added Sep 4, 2020. The paper by Taylor et al., relies heavily on a report by Ponomarenko (2018), cited in the references as

Ponomarenko, E. 2018. Reconnaissance study of forest disturbance history in northeastern Nova
1581 Scotia. Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry, Halifax, NS.

I requested the paper from L&F who directed me to the Natural Sciences Library; they did not have it but obtained it and will make it available in electronic form on request; contact Tracy Lenfesty (Librarian) <>. It is 39 pages. The full title:

Reconnaissance study of Forest Disturbance History In Northeastern Nova Scotia
Interim Report (2015-2017)
Prepared for P. Neily, NS DNR
By Dr. E.V. Ponomarenko
Consulting soil scientist, Ecosystem Archaeology Services

Interestingly the Current Issue of Environmental Reviews carries a paper on a closely related topic:

Borealization of the New England – Acadian Forest: a review of the evidence
by Josh Noseworthy and Thomas M. Beckley. Environmental Reviews 2020, 28(3): 284-293.

That paper cannot be freely downloaded (cost for one download: $30) however the authors’ manuscript is available separately from the University of Toronto TSpace.

I have read each paper once, they are packed full of info. ‘Will comment further when I have had time to fully digest them.

Both papers represent major advances in our understanding of forest ecology in Nova Scotia.

Congratulations and thanks to the authors all.

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