Poster on the Forest Funeral Event Facebook Page
You are invited to mourn our forest losses with citizens from across the province.
Please come to pay your respects to the once great Acadian Forest.An ‘open casket’ of tiny ‘logs’ will be followed by a procession of wildlife that have died through drastic losses of habitat. Pall bearers and forest mourners will walk from Grand Parade Square to the funeral ceremony at Province House. From there, the bodies will be carried to the very origin of forest mismanagement, the NS DNR office on Hollis Street.
The event begins at 1 pm at the Grand parade Square in downtown Halifax. A funeral procession walks to Province House (nearby) where the following takes place:
Funeral ceremony
Eulogy to the forest: Robert Bancroft.
Various spiritual speakers to wildlife and forest losses.
Mi’kmaq ceremonial practice, song/drumming.
Finally there is a “March to DNR Office (as time permits)”.
Read more on the Events facebook page
ADDENDUM Oct 12, 2017: Eulogy for the forest
In Voice of the People (Chronicle Herald, Oct 12, 2017), Helga Guderley comments “Many Nova Scotians are mourning the loss of our Acadian forest. Public concern over forestry practices has been increasingly palpable… A forest funeral on Oct. 19 will pay homage to the forest resources that Nova Scotia has lost through over-harvesting and rampant clearcutting. Indigenous voices and a eulogy to the forest will help Nova Scotians express their concerns.”
Oct 18, 2017: Mock forest funeral planned for Halifax
by Gayle Wilson in Lighthouse Now, Oct 18, 2017