Harvest Plan Map Viewer Updates now include list

mapviewerI received an Update for the Harvest Plan Map Viewer today and was pleased to see that map updates are now accompanied by a separate list of new additions. From the e-mail:

As part of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) ongoing commitment to transparency, public accountability and engagement on forest harvest plans, the Harvest Plan Map Viewer (HPMV) update notifications will now include a brief summary detailing the locations, size, and harvest type for all new proposed harvest areas being added. DNR continues to improve the HPMV and has decided to add this summary of updates based upon the public’s feedback.

The list has entries under these headings: County, Licence ID, DNR ID, Section, Area(Ha), Harvest Type, Review Days, Review Deadline

The current notification lists data under those headings for each of 45 sections/18 DNR IDs distributed over 8 counties. The total area of harvest is given at the end (652.4 ha) and the e-mail gives the date for the next update (Dec 29, 2016).

Thanks, NSDNR.

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