Subcontractor charged for clearcutting on Crown land

Fall in Long Lake Provincial Park

Fall in Long lake Provincial Park

“The subcontractor charged with clearcutting a portion of Long Lake Provincial Park has pled guilty. Resourcestec Inc. entered the plea in court Thursday, while co-accused Dexter Construction Company Ltd. and Scott and Stewart Forestry Consultants Ltd. had their charges dropped.” View C-H (Nov 11, 2016).

It’s just under a year ago that Martin Willison, a Halifax based naturalist, publicized an illegal cut in Long Lake Provincial Park. It generated widespread condemnation. In March of 2016 charges were laid against three firms. Likely as a result of this incident, On Oct 4, 2016, the Province announced stiff fines for illegal logging on Crown Land.

UPDATE (CBC Report, 16 Nov 2016): Resourcetec Inc. agreed in Halifax provincial court to pay $12,556 in fines. NSDNR Minister Lloyd Hines confirmed that ” the increased fines [up to $250,000] were a direct response to the Long Lake incident.”
Great to impose such fines, but I have to say I am much more concerned about the legal logging on Crown land, which is far more destructive.

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