A small group of foresters from the Digby area including Harold Alexander “who has worked the woods in Digby County for more than 30 years, and four other will travel to Finland. The group will attempt to learn why that country’s forestry well outpaces the performance of ours, yet remains sustainable and preserves healthy forests, all with a fairly similar split between private and public land.” Wow. Citizens frustrated by the lack of real leadership in NSDNR and in successive governments look for guidance elsewhere. At least we should be thankful they won’t be stopped at the Halifax airport. View CBC Report.
On an Information Morning audio , CBC’s Michael Gorman explores recent criticism of the way the province handles its forests. The audio includes interviews with wildlife biologist Bob Bancroft, foresters Jim Crooker and Harold Alexander (featured in the article cited above), and DNR Minister Lloyd Hines. Crooker says that small woodlot owners are at the mercy of the big players. Minister Hines is unfazed by criticism of his department and insists that DNR’s decisions are science based.