Search Results for: near Protected Area

Social Media Posts

‘This page ‘not intended to be comprehensive. Just some items I happen to catch that are worth noting. Begins on Jan 16, 2019, most recent ones at top. Most are on Public Facebook Group pages, &’may require Facebook sign-in to … Continue reading

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What is Old Growth?

This section was posted on Dec 30, 2018 Development and Updates ongoing What is Old Growth – Subsections – Old Forest Layer – Development Class Layer – The Polygon Problem – OG Indicators and subsections Lynds & Leduc ’95, GFE … Continue reading

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WestFor/Nova Scotia L&F’s 19 meter “Road to Nowhere”

A discovery by the Annapolis Co. Nova Scotia folks that harvesting on Crown lands proposed for harvest had, apparently, already begun, preceded by construction of some pretty massive roads including a 19 meter “Road to Nowhere” -Update Dec 31, 2018: … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, L&F, Social Media, Tree Harvests, WestFor | Comments Off on WestFor/Nova Scotia L&F’s 19 meter “Road to Nowhere”

Cat and Mouse game continues: more Old Growth on Nova Scotia Crown land found to be on the block

Following the highlighting of a proposed cut on Hardwood Hill (Annapolis Co) by local residents and an eloquent appeal by Randy Fredericks (Post Oct 1, 2018) and activities of the newly formed Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology … Continue reading

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The Nova Scotia Government responds to The Lahey Report

The extension of forestry licensing agreements by one year, given what’s going on and Minister’s recent defence of it, is not a good sign. ——— ADDENDUM (Dec 4, 2018) Comments from CBC Report ——— Three documents of 10 pages in … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, NSDNR | Comments Off on The Nova Scotia Government responds to The Lahey Report

If the Nova Scotia Government changes direction of its Crown land forestry management, how will it deal with cuts approved but not implemented in the meantime?

If the major recommendations of the Lahey Report are accepted, surely the government is obliged to reconsider all outstanding harvests on Crown lands, i.e. including all blocks approved but for which harvesting has not begun. This question came to mind … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review | Comments Off on If the Nova Scotia Government changes direction of its Crown land forestry management, how will it deal with cuts approved but not implemented in the meantime?

Biodiverse Southwest Nova Scotia at Risk

Given the Lahey Report & Recommendations, why are we still making harvest decisions on Crown lands based on a narrow spectrum of highly specialized information that few can critique and on a process that has essentially been discredited? UPDATE Jan … Continue reading

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Questions and comments on WWNS about sustainability of current wood harvesting in Nova Scotia following Report from the Independent Review

For the Record, some recent discussions on Woods and Waters Nova Scotia (Facebook page) are replicated below. These are verbatim copies except that I have replaced full names with initials, which has been my practice when replicating discussions from WWNS. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, Private Woodlots, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Questions and comments on WWNS about sustainability of current wood harvesting in Nova Scotia following Report from the Independent Review

While we wait for “The Report”, it’s the same old same old from our two Nova Scotia pulp mills; and some thoughts on what the Independent Review will recommend

While we wait in some kind of suspended animation for the Report from the Independent Review of Forest Practices following the last formal comment on April 30, 2018, the two major drivers of dissatisfaction with forestry practices in Nova Scotia – … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Economics, Independent Review, Pulp & Paper, Show Us the Science, softwood lumber | Comments Off on While we wait for “The Report”, it’s the same old same old from our two Nova Scotia pulp mills; and some thoughts on what the Independent Review will recommend

Halifax Green Network Plan released June 21, 2018 puts Landscape Level Planning for Halifax well ahead of the province as a whole

The Final Draft of the The Halifax Green Network Plan, under development for several years,  was released on June 21, 2018. The Halifax Green Network Plan (HGNP) was initiated in 2015 shortly after the adoption of the 2014 Regional Municipality … Continue reading

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