Search Results for: Bev Wigney

Nova Scotia Forestry Maps/L&F respond to concerns about South Mountain cuts & now L&F, not the licensee, address comments sent to the HPMV 1May2019

But, what seemed positive news turned out to contain some very sour grapes (New content added 8: 15 pm) UPDATE May 3, 2019 Bev Wigney requests “a map showing all of the parcels in Annapolis County that were granted approval … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, HPMV, Social Media | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Forestry Maps/L&F respond to concerns about South Mountain cuts & now L&F, not the licensee, address comments sent to the HPMV 1May2019

Nova Scotia L&F Minister Rankin comments on changes to harvest prescriptions in the South Mountain Ecodistrict 27Apr2019

It would surely help if we (the public) were routinely informed about changes to Crown land harvest plans posted on the Harvest Plan Map Viewer UPDATE Apr 30, 2019: In relation to the Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes Old Growth cited below, view … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Rankin, Social Media | Comments Off on Nova Scotia L&F Minister Rankin comments on changes to harvest prescriptions in the South Mountain Ecodistrict 27Apr2019

L&F nixes cut of Margaree Old Growth 20Mar2019

In 2019, not putting some old forest habitat on the chopping block is an advance in our thinking, but it is not a net improvement in the space for wild species in Nova Scotia which continues to decline I had … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Old Growth | Comments Off on L&F nixes cut of Margaree Old Growth 20Mar2019

A plea to cease cutting the Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes forest and similar remaining forests in Nova Scotia 26Mar2019

“I have spoken with a couple of forestry people who tell me that, in their opinion, the Corbett-Dalhousie forest is unique among what remains of our Crown land forests in Annapolis County.” Update Mar 27, 2019: View Ground Truthing – … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, L&F, Old Growth, Social Media | Comments Off on A plea to cease cutting the Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes forest and similar remaining forests in Nova Scotia 26Mar2019

A letter to Information Morning (Nova Scotia) 22Mar2019

“And what of nesting owls?”, asks Bev Wigney. “It’s nesting season for them right now, and yet the logging crews are already back in the woods” From Naturalist Bev Wigney on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Social Values | Comments Off on A letter to Information Morning (Nova Scotia) 22Mar2019

“An event that saddened and angered me”, Minister Rankin/Nova Scotia L&F please follow up 10Mar2019

Posted on Healthy Forest Coalition late last night: HD: I am not one to write on this site but today I have to describe an event that saddened and angered me. On a trip north through the Margaree Valley this … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Rankin, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on “An event that saddened and angered me”, Minister Rankin/Nova Scotia L&F please follow up 10Mar2019

Nova Scotia Forestry Maps decides not to remove “harvest plans that are no longer open to comments” 5Mar2019

UPDATE: MAR 14, 2019. From Forestry Maps: “…the department has included historic harvest plan submissions again on the HPMV. You will notice that the ability to view the archived harvest plan approval submissions are now a selectable layer in the … Continue reading

Posted in HPMV | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Forestry Maps decides not to remove “harvest plans that are no longer open to comments” 5Mar2019

Recent changes (Jan 30 & Feb 20, 2019) in Harvest Plan Map Viewer increase concerns about clearcutting in Nova Scotia

And some comments on Social Media from Minister Rankin raise more questions about what’s going on at L&F. “Nova Scotians want and expect an open and transparent process when it comes to the management of Crown lands,” said Natural Resources … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, Ind Rev Post-Report, Rankin, Social Media, Variable Retention | Comments Off on Recent changes (Jan 30 & Feb 20, 2019) in Harvest Plan Map Viewer increase concerns about clearcutting in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia L&F Minister Rankin acknowledges the “Polygon Problem” in constructive “meeting” on Social Media 16Jan 2019

An Old Growth stand in Nova Scotia does not necessarily a polygon make There have been several instances recently of citizens recognizing that harvest plans posted on the HPMV include some Old Growth (e.g., Post Dec 18, 2019) this in … Continue reading

Posted in Old Growth, Rankin, Social Media | Comments Off on Nova Scotia L&F Minister Rankin acknowledges the “Polygon Problem” in constructive “meeting” on Social Media 16Jan 2019

Social Media Posts

‘This page ‘not intended to be comprehensive. Just some items I happen to catch that are worth noting. Begins on Jan 16, 2019, most recent ones at top. Most are on Public Facebook Group pages, &’may require Facebook sign-in to … Continue reading

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