Search Results for: biomass

Past Events

From Nov 18, 2016 on Carbon Opportunities Conference in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia March 7 & 8, 2018 A notice has been circulating about a Maritime Forest Carbon Opportunity Conference, sponsored by the Nova Scotia Landowners and Forest Fibre Producers … Continue reading

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All Posts

The posts on the Home Page are intended to serve as a record of events, news and opinions on the subject of forests and forestry in Nova Scotia, with some commentary, as they unfold, beginning on June 21, 2016. Undoubtedly … Continue reading

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Six Talks & Workshops coming up Nov 18-Dec 4, 2016

Friday Nov 18, 2016 Council of Canadians: Clear Cut Question”: Is Biomass Energy Sustainable? Friday Nov 18, 2016 Women in Forestry Workshop Saturday Nov 19, 2016 Lichen Field Identification Workshop (MTRI)

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Mimicing natural disturbances and sustaining natural ecosystem structure and function in Nova Scotia

[Post updated Nov 13, 2016: Global Forest Watch images added.] Have a look at the much touted vehicle of transparency around cutting on crown land in Nova Scotia: the Harvest Map Viewer (or go to the cover page for the … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, NSDNR, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

The Nova Scotia Forest Nutrient Budget Model surfaces

A slide presentation by NSDNR in June 2009 announced that a “Soil nutrient budget computer model–a decision support model to assess site suitability for biomass harvest in NS” was being developed by DNR contracting with UNB (University of New Brunswick) … Continue reading

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Quotable Quotes

A few quotes that say a lot “A law written on a piece of paper make s it illegal to kill red-eyed vireos. Yet a bull dozer, legally pushing its way through the forest to build a new road, crushes … Continue reading

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Forest Mensuration

“Forest mensuration is one of the most fundamental disciplines within forest and related sciences. It deals with the measurement of trees and stands and the analysis of the resultant information.” Another definition: [Forest mensuration is] “the art and science of … Continue reading

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Who does what

Page posted Sep 25, 2016. As will be evident from the clutter of updates, many changes have occurred since then but not in regard to transparency. As written on Sep 25, 2016: The Lands and Forestry website does not provide … Continue reading

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Progress Report did not highlight key priorities in NSDNR Business Plan

It’s curious (and concerning) that the recently released Progress Report on the 2011-2020 Natural Resources Strategy and the related Press Release dwell on feel-good items such as the Community Forest, establishing a Forest Biodiversity Science Advisory Committee and a new … Continue reading

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Bruce MacInnon on Clearcuts

CH award-winning editorial cartoonist Bruce MacInnon depicts the Premier giving Nova Scotia forests a haircut, this following the comments by Donna Crossland reported in the CH earlier in the week. View Cartoon. It wasn’t the first MacInnon editorial cartoon related … Continue reading

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