Search Results for: Old Growth

Comment 2 on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: on the significance of historic blowdowns and Pit and Mound topography 5Dec2021

SUMMARY There are many old forest stands in Nova Scotia that developed following blowdown of Old Growth in the Saxby Gale (1869) and the Nova Scotia storm (1871) and thus have maximum possible ages today circa 140 years, the age … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural History, Old Growth | Comments Off on Comment 2 on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: on the significance of historic blowdowns and Pit and Mound topography 5Dec2021

The draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy is weak on conservation of old forest species 1Dec2021

Curiously, in the new policy document , conservation of old forest biodiversity is not explicitly cited in the text as a goal, while it is an explicit goal in the existing (2012) policy. In practice,  both  the 2012  policy and … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Ecosystem Services, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, New PC Government | Comments Off on The draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy is weak on conservation of old forest species 1Dec2021

Scott Leslie’s “backgrounder” video on the Corbett-Lake Old Growth Forest, Little Brown Bat added to SAR residents 17July 2019

After viewing Scott Leslie’s Video, I had one big question: What DOES it take for a site to be protected as Old Growth in Nova Scotia? CONTENTS – THE VIDEO – THE LITTLE BROWN BAT – WHAT IT’S ABOUT – … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Old Growth | Comments Off on Scott Leslie’s “backgrounder” video on the Corbett-Lake Old Growth Forest, Little Brown Bat added to SAR residents 17July 2019

Nova Scotia’s Old Growth Ground Zero: the Corbett Lake Old Hardwood Forest 17July2019

The Corbett Lake Old Hardwood Forest in Annapolis Co. is essentially Ground Zero in the struggle to save Nova Scotia’s Old Growth in 2019 Over the last 2 years  there have been several instances in which a block of Crown … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Citizen Science, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, hardwoods, Ind Rev Post-Report, Old Growth | Comments Off on Nova Scotia’s Old Growth Ground Zero: the Corbett Lake Old Hardwood Forest 17July2019

Nova Scotia Old Growth Ground Zero

The Corbett Lake Old Hardwood Forest in Annapolis Co. is essentially Ground Zero in the struggle to save Nova Scotia’s Old Growth in 2019 View related maps at What is old Growth/OG Indicators/Nova Scotia Old Growth Ground Zero/C-D Peninsula Maps, … Continue reading

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Annapolis Co. group finds fresh stump of 138 yr old tree in Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes Forest, but it’s not Old Growth says L&F 6May2019

UPDATE May 27, 2019: The 35% Question (Facebook Post) “Last Thursday, I received a reply from Forestry Maps (no human name attached to the email) answering some questions I had posed to them over the previous weeks. One answer in … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, L&F, Old Growth, Social Media | Comments Off on Annapolis Co. group finds fresh stump of 138 yr old tree in Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes Forest, but it’s not Old Growth says L&F 6May2019

L&F nixes cut of Margaree Old Growth 20Mar2019

In 2019, not putting some old forest habitat on the chopping block is an advance in our thinking, but it is not a net improvement in the space for wild species in Nova Scotia which continues to decline I had … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Old Growth | Comments Off on L&F nixes cut of Margaree Old Growth 20Mar2019

If an Old Growth stand in Nova Scotia blows down, is it still Old Growth?

My answer, Yes, if the blowdown is not removed (e.g. as a salvage harvest) Posted Feb 4, 2019 Minor modifications Feb 6, 2019 The reasoning It seems that it has been quite normal to have periodic blowdown of smaller to larger … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Old Growth, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on If an Old Growth stand in Nova Scotia blows down, is it still Old Growth?

Soren Bondrup-Neilsen 13Jan2019: 1% Old Growth will not maintain all the species that depend on older forests

One per cent old-growth forest will not maintain all the species that depend on older forests – well funded Professional Protester Chronicle Herald on-line Opinions- Premium content Jan.11, 2019 Soren Bondrup-Neilsen Published: 18 hours ago . Some extracts from Healthy … Continue reading

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What is Old Growth?

This section was posted on Dec 30, 2018 Development and Updates ongoing What is Old Growth – Subsections – Old Forest Layer – Development Class Layer – The Polygon Problem – OG Indicators and subsections Lynds & Leduc ’95, GFE … Continue reading

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