Search Results for: biomass

Accounting Standards & Data

Taking a carbon inventory (Video) Community Forests International, Sep 24, 2021 “A few weeks ago, Dani and Megan were out in the woods taking a carbon inventory of one of our protected forest properties. Here they are demonstrating two techniques … Continue reading

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These documents illustrate various perspectives in the debate about climate change and GHGs. Some are high level, data-intensive documents, others are more of the nature of informed but outspoken opinions. (Some I am quite empathetic to, others not so.) Missing … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia forests, forestry and GHGs 1: Letters

Serious, thoughtful questions asked about the science behind our strategies to reduce GHGs are met with all-is-ok/trust-us replies This is the first in a series of posts in which I will try to get a handle on how forest management … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Nova Scotia forests, forestry and GHGs 1: Letters

Editorials and letters about forestry in the area of Loon Lake, Nova Scotia continued…23 Mar 2018

In the Chronicle Herald today, Nina Newington of Mount Hanley expresses frustration over wood from old growth stands in the Loon lake area being sent to the biomass burner at Port Hawkesbury. Her op-ed begins: Let’s get this straight. Official … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Loon Lake, Old Growth | Comments Off on Editorials and letters about forestry in the area of Loon Lake, Nova Scotia continued…23 Mar 2018

Nova Scotia DNR almost admits serious errors; Port Hawkesbury Paper blames DNR for Loon Lake area cuts of Old Growth

UPDATE Mar 17, 2018: Old-growth burning reignites biomass debate Aaron Bewsick, Chronicle Herald, Mar 17, 2018. With 84% being burnt via the Biomass Burner (73%) or Firewood (11%), PHP, NSP, NSDNR ad even FSC are doing their part to increase … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Forest Certification, Loon Lake, NSDNR, Old Growth | Comments Off on Nova Scotia DNR almost admits serious errors; Port Hawkesbury Paper blames DNR for Loon Lake area cuts of Old Growth

Port Hawkesbury Paper responds to concerns about harvesting in the Loon Lake area

I received today PHP’s public response to concerns about harvesting in the Loon Lake area. It is provided below as received (except that the PDF text is converted to WordPress text). We (the public) and PHP (as cited below) are … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, Conservation, Forest Certification, hardwoods, herbicides, Loon Lake, Parks & Protected Areas, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Port Hawkesbury Paper responds to concerns about harvesting in the Loon Lake area

Rick Howe talks to Bob Bancroft about Nova Scotia DNR cutting Old Growth forest

Bob was interviewed by Rick Howe on the Rick Howe Show this a.m., a followup to the controversy surrounding cutting of purported Old Growth forest in the area of Loon Lake, Guysborough Co. (For some background, view archived posts on … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Natural History, NSDNR, Old Growth | Tagged | Comments Off on Rick Howe talks to Bob Bancroft about Nova Scotia DNR cutting Old Growth forest

Loon Lake area harvests: DNR seeks shelter in its Old Forest Policy

The Old Forest policy does not adequately protect Old Forest This is a lengthy post, so I am providing a clickable Table of Contents. In this post: Background The location of the “Danny George Site” DNR on Information Morning DNR on … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, Conservation, Forest Certification, Independent Review, Loon Lake, NSDNR, Old Growth, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Loon Lake area harvests: DNR seeks shelter in its Old Forest Policy

Presentation/workshop on Landbird Species-at-Risk also at Annapolis Royal on March 5 and Sydney on March 7

As previously announced, the Pictou Co Naturalist’s Club is hosting this presentation/workshop: The Pictou Co Naturalists will be hosting Dr. Cindy Staicer from Dalhousie University Tues Mar 6, 6:30 pm at the New Glasgow Library, 182 Dalhousie St., New Glascow. … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Forestry in the News…Sat Mar 3, 2018

DNR responds to concerns about cuts in the Loon Lake area; Saunders says using toilet paper makes us all hypocrites While one purpose of the posts on this website is “to serve as a record of events, news and opinions on … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, Loon Lake, Parks & Protected Areas, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Forestry in the News…Sat Mar 3, 2018