Search Results for: biomass

Using The Feds’ Bioenergy GHG Calculator

‘Workin on it A Bioenergy GHG (Greenhouse Gas) calculator developed by scientists with Natural Resources Canada allows users to estimate the “time to parity” and net GHG emissions or uptake for forest bioenergy schemes, giving values for Best- and Worst-Case … Continue reading

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A few things we are waiting on

‘just wondering Post modified on 11 May 2018 Besides the Report from the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia which we can expect any day now, there are a few items from NSDNR that we might have expected … Continue reading

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Letters, Op-eds and news items May 1-5, 2018

On clearcutting, The Mill, biomass and carbon emissions, and politicans tripping over themseleves on environmental issues There has been a steady stream of letters, op-eds, news items related to forests and forestry over the past week. It’s hard to keep … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Independent Review, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Letters, Op-eds and news items May 1-5, 2018

“Smartphone App Enables Family Forest Owners to Get Paid to Store Carbon” – but not in Nova Scotia (yet)

And some thoughts on the impacts on wood markets if Nova Scotian woodlot owners could benefit from carbon markets Addendum May 3, 2018: Listening to Dale Prest on CBC this morning, I realized I had not done my homework properly. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Independent Review, Private Woodlots, WestFor, Woodscamp | Comments Off on “Smartphone App Enables Family Forest Owners to Get Paid to Store Carbon” – but not in Nova Scotia (yet)

Wastes and Residues

Natural Resources Canada: Forest Bioenergy Sections: Is forest bioenergy good for the environment?, What is forest bioenergy?, Why is there interest in forest bioenergy?, Forest bioenergy as an offset to fossil fuels, Does it make sense to increase forest bioenergy … Continue reading

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Zack M on the difference between the forests of Nova Scotia, BC and Scotland

In the midst of Zack’s article bemoaning our loss of spectacular forests, a video-ad appeared extolling the benefits of our current forestry practices “Why”, asked Zack Metcalfe, “are the wilds of Canada’s West Coast fundamentally more spectacular than those of … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Social Values, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Zack M on the difference between the forests of Nova Scotia, BC and Scotland

GHGs In the News

A selection from the many news items, most recent at the top – Tasmania slowed logging and became one of first carbon negative places in the world Nick O’Malley, May 2, 2022 In the Sydney Morning Herald “According to a … Continue reading

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Clearcutting by smaller players on private woodlots in Nova Scotia

An article in the Chronicle Herald by Aaron Beswick presents a favourable perspective on at least some clearcutting in Nova Scotia, that conducted on private lots in Cumberland managed by Athol Forestry Cooperative. View Cutting in Cumberland County: Even a … Continue reading

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Lessons from New Hampshire: clearcutting on acidified soil reduces sugar maple regeneration, favours beech

And in Nova Scotia, after the feller bunchers have gone, and with them, the sugar maple and the birds nests and the salamander habitat, silence reigns supreme, especially the silence from NSDNR on the subject of forest soil nutrient deficits … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, hardwoods, NSDNR, Show Us the Science, Watersheds | Comments Off on Lessons from New Hampshire: clearcutting on acidified soil reduces sugar maple regeneration, favours beech


Forest bioeconomy, bioenergy and bioproducts Natural Resources Canada Decarbonizing Development: Three Steps to a Zero-Carbon Future World Bank, 2015. “Stabilizing climate change entails reducing net emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) to zero. This report outlines three principles to guide countries … Continue reading

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