Search Results for: Map Viewer

Plourde urges Premier to reset the agenda on nature for Nova Scotia 13Oct2020

Raymond Plourde says that we can move to 14% protected with a stroke of the Premier’s pen. Then it’s time to go further. A spate of recent local or locally relevant news  underscores a basic conflict that confronts many jurisdictions … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Plourde urges Premier to reset the agenda on nature for Nova Scotia 13Oct2020

More on The Human Toll of clearcuts in Nova Scotia: B-trains on rural roads 7Aug2019

An issue raised on Social Media elicits an on-the-ground response within 24 hours It started with a post by Bev Wigney of the Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Public Facebook Group yesterday, commenting on a member [SES] … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Social Media, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on More on The Human Toll of clearcuts in Nova Scotia: B-trains on rural roads 7Aug2019

Scott Leslie’s “backgrounder” video on the Corbett-Lake Old Growth Forest, Little Brown Bat added to SAR residents 17July 2019

After viewing Scott Leslie’s Video, I had one big question: What DOES it take for a site to be protected as Old Growth in Nova Scotia? CONTENTS – THE VIDEO – THE LITTLE BROWN BAT – WHAT IT’S ABOUT – … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Old Growth | Comments Off on Scott Leslie’s “backgrounder” video on the Corbett-Lake Old Growth Forest, Little Brown Bat added to SAR residents 17July 2019

When the neighbours decide to clearcut in Nova Scotia 25 Apr2019

Good will works in many situations to reduce impacts of clearcuts on a neighbour’s land and does not work in many situations. It  currently takes more than proximity to neighbours who value the lands around them to stop or substantially … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Private Woodlots, Social Media | Comments Off on When the neighbours decide to clearcut in Nova Scotia 25 Apr2019

The Polygon Problem

Background: Nova Scotia L&F Minister Rankin acknowledges the “Polygon Problem” in constructive “meeting” on Social Media 16Jan 2019 Post on NSFN Jan 18, 2019 One limitation I see to the DNR/L&F Old Forest Policy/Old Forest Scoring (which I will refer to as … Continue reading

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Old Forest Layer

DRAFTING Jan19, 2019 … Use the interactive map tools to determine if  a particular site is located in a stand which according to NSDNR/L&F mapping  is currently set-aside as Old Growth or to be allowed to grow old enough to be Old … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia L&F Minister Rankin acknowledges the “Polygon Problem” in constructive “meeting” on Social Media 16Jan 2019

An Old Growth stand in Nova Scotia does not necessarily a polygon make There have been several instances recently of citizens recognizing that harvest plans posted on the HPMV include some Old Growth (e.g., Post Dec 18, 2019) this in … Continue reading

Posted in Old Growth, Rankin, Social Media | Comments Off on Nova Scotia L&F Minister Rankin acknowledges the “Polygon Problem” in constructive “meeting” on Social Media 16Jan 2019

Spicer Family Woodlot – if all harvested private and Crown woodland were like that, we wouldn’t be concerned about clearcutting in Nova Scotia

They could get a lot more $ if they clearcut – in the short term Peter Spicer, owner of Seven Gulches Forest Products in Spencer’s Island and winner of the Nova Scotia Woodland Owner of the Year Award in 2017, … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Private Woodlots, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Spicer Family Woodlot – if all harvested private and Crown woodland were like that, we wouldn’t be concerned about clearcutting in Nova Scotia

What is Old Growth?

This section was posted on Dec 30, 2018 Development and Updates ongoing What is Old Growth – Subsections – Old Forest Layer – Development Class Layer – The Polygon Problem – OG Indicators and subsections Lynds & Leduc ’95, GFE … Continue reading

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Are cats more destructive to Nova Scotia’s forest birds than clearcutting?

NSDNR says Yes. The science indicates that there are far more direct kills of birds by cats  year to year than from forestry operations but the indirect effects of extensive clearcutting on short rotations in Nova Scotia are much more damaging in the longer term … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Natural History, NSDNR, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Are cats more destructive to Nova Scotia’s forest birds than clearcutting?