Search Results for: Annapolis

Cutting in Moose Habitat

Copied from post by NN on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Facebook (public group) Page Oct 17, 2020: The pale green patches on this map are Crown Land. The grey-green is private land. The blue-green is the … Continue reading

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Godfrey Lake Parcels

Copies of some correspondence of BW with Forestry Maps reported on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology BW’S INITIAL SUBMISSION TO FORESTRY MAPS July 21, 2020 Comment submission for harvest block #AP068719C User Information: Name: Bev Wigney Email: … Continue reading

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From a Facebook Announcement Friday, October 23, 2020 at 9 AM UTC-03 – 10 AM UTC-03 Public · Hosted by NB Media Co-op and RAVEN Rural Action & Voices for the Environment The next speaker in the Environmental Praxis Lecture … Continue reading

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Plourde urges Premier to reset the agenda on nature for Nova Scotia 13Oct2020

Raymond Plourde says that we can move to 14% protected with a stroke of the Premier’s pen. Then it’s time to go further. A spate of recent local or locally relevant news  underscores a basic conflict that confronts many jurisdictions … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Plourde urges Premier to reset the agenda on nature for Nova Scotia 13Oct2020

Land Base

Also view these subpages: Land Base/Historic Afforestation Land Base/Forest Land Capability On this page: 1. How much Crown land is still available for protection? 2.How much of Nova Scotia was forested in pre-settler times? 3. How much land was cleared … Continue reading

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“NO further spraying of aerial herbicide on private land in Nova Scotia this fall” 26Sep2020

It seems the social license to spray NS forests has expired On Don’t Spray Us – Nova Scotia Action (Facebook Events Page) Hants/Lunenburg County UPDATE Fri Sep 25, 2020, ~4pm by Extinction Rebellion Nova Scotia Good news for this season; … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, herbicides, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on “NO further spraying of aerial herbicide on private land in Nova Scotia this fall” 26Sep2020

Harvest Notices

Received as a subscriber to Forest Maps NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 16June2022 NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 6June2022 NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 26May2022 NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 16May2022 NEW – Crown Land Harvest … Continue reading

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Spraying and clearcutting in Nova Scotia, continued 11Sep2020

Drive the back roads of Nova Scotia for a first-hand look UPDATE Sep 15, 2020: Clearcutting on Crown lands continues unabated… L&F just issued its summary of the latest Harvest Plan Map Viewer update (these are mailed to subscribers): 32 parcels/830 … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, spraying, Watersheds, Wildlife | Comments Off on Spraying and clearcutting in Nova Scotia, continued 11Sep2020

An assessment of Nova Scotia L&F’s progress in implementing Ecological Forestry in response to the Lahey Report, Part 3: The Project Muddle 8Sep2020

This is a lengthy post, so I am providing a Table of Contents. The abbreviated version: Most of the nine Projects currently in place appear to be well behind schedule and there is poor  coordination/integration of the Projects. In the … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on An assessment of Nova Scotia L&F’s progress in implementing Ecological Forestry in response to the Lahey Report, Part 3: The Project Muddle 8Sep2020

Protestors occupy site scheduled for forest spraying in Nova Scotia 2Sep2020…& Co. decides NOT to spray

——– UPDATE Sep 10, 2020: Council urges halt to forestry chemical spray program in Annapolis County By Lawrence Powell For Annapolis County UPDATE Sep 7, 2020: Cape Breton Environment Group calls for Herbicide Ban on Mainland NS forests – like … Continue reading

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