Search Results for: Mainland Moose

Intensive management needed on the few acres left…

In a letter to the Ed (CH, Nov 21, 2016), Earle Miller of Lower Onslow notes that “Protected areas in Nova Scotia account for 12 per cent of our forest; provincial and federal parks account for three per cent; 13 … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Economics, Letters&Editorials | Leave a comment

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The posts on the Home Page are intended to serve as a record of events, news and opinions on the subject of forests and forestry in Nova Scotia, with some commentary, as they unfold, beginning on June 21, 2016. Undoubtedly … Continue reading

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This page provides an overview of spatial and forest age issues. View Conservation Links for subsidiary issues and information about individual species; also links under Natural History View also NSDNR Old Forest Policy View also Birds Also view: – Plourde … Continue reading

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“A good day to celebrate the incredible array of women who have come to our camp in the last 97 days” 8Mar2022

So true, so very true From Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia: Day 97 at the Last Hope camp International Women’s Day— a good day to celebrate the incredible array of women who have come to our camp in the … Continue reading

Posted in Social Media, Social Values, Tree Harvests, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on “A good day to celebrate the incredible array of women who have come to our camp in the last 97 days” 8Mar2022


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Extracts from NatureNS

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Bancroft on the state of our forests (Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) 24Oct2020

For a superb overview of the state of our forests in N.S. and N.B., view this video just released on YouTube by  N.B. Media Co-op: *It can be viewed with or without subtitles – to change the current setting, click … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts | Comments Off on Bancroft on the state of our forests (Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) 24Oct2020

Dale Prest to give MCFC webinar on Fighting Climate Change with Forests on Wed Aug 5, more in the series and view those already given 29July2020

Update Aug 6, 2020: A video archive of Dale’s presentation is available at ————————– Coming up next week: Intro to the Forest Series: Fighting Climate Change with Forests – how do we get there? by Dale Prest. Wednesday, August … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Climate Change, Conservation, events, Indigenous Peoples | Comments Off on Dale Prest to give MCFC webinar on Fighting Climate Change with Forests on Wed Aug 5, more in the series and view those already given 29July2020

Bev Wigney On Forest Roads in Nova Scotia 29May2019

Bev Wigney is an Annapolis area naturalist concerned about the state of our forests. She posted this ‘Sunday morning rant’ on Forest Roads on the Facebook page for Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology, a public Facebook group, … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Bev Wigney On Forest Roads in Nova Scotia 29May2019