Category Archives: Wabanaki Forest

Shady Accounting and Vanishing Forests on Nova Scotia’s Crown Lands 14Jul2024

By Nina Newington SUMMARY To justify the sacrifice of biodiversity in the 10% of Crown land to be consigned to High Production Forestry under the Forest Triad, the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (DNRR) tells us that … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen Science, Conservation, Independent Review, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Show Us the Science, Tree Harvests, Variable Retention, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Shady Accounting and Vanishing Forests on Nova Scotia’s Crown Lands 14Jul2024

Lichen Camp Day 127: symbiosis is always the topic 7Jul2024

Wrote Nina Newington on  Jul 6, 2024: As word spreads about the camp and our work to protect this area, we get an ever more interesting mix of visitors, from Antonija Livingstone, performance artist living in France, to Haeweon Yi … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Old Growth, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Lichen Camp Day 127: symbiosis is always the topic 7Jul2024

On our Wabanaki Forest 21Jun2024

On June 21, 2024, we in the northern hemisphere  celebrate the summer solstice, as our ancestors have done since prehistoric times. Since June 21, 2017, the day is also known as Canada’s National Indigenous Peoples Day: In cooperation with Indigenous … Continue reading

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Feedback sought on Wood Pellet Association of Canada’s Regional Risk Assessment for sourcing biomass from Nova Scotia’s harvestable forest land base 16Jun2024

Please, all stakeholders, register and review this RRA. A wide range of stakeholders is considered relevant. One of the ways I attempt to keep up with News related to forests and forestry in Nova Scotia is by subscribing to a … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Certification, Conservation, Tree Harvests, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Feedback sought on Wood Pellet Association of Canada’s Regional Risk Assessment for sourcing biomass from Nova Scotia’s harvestable forest land base 16Jun2024

What’s it take to convince Nova Scotia DNRR to give interim protection to an area with 33 occurrences of SAR Old Growth Forest Indicators? 15Mar2024

That’s what Forest Protector Nina Newington asks on Day 13 of “Lichen Camp”. Forty SAR occurrences, 33 of them an old growth forest indicator species, are not enough, it seems, to convince DNRR to give the whole area interim protection … Continue reading

Posted in Old Growth, Triad, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on What’s it take to convince Nova Scotia DNRR to give interim protection to an area with 33 occurrences of SAR Old Growth Forest Indicators? 15Mar2024

Call for “Hemlock Heroes” in Nova Scotia 15Jun2023

“Hemlock Heroes are trained citizens who volunteer to help save tall, dark hemlock forest ecosystems. Becoming a Hemlock Hero enables you to participate in a great cause to conserve some of the finest old growth forests in the province [Nova … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Call for “Hemlock Heroes” in Nova Scotia 15Jun2023

Nina Newington on Citizen Science and the hold on harvesting at Goldsmith Lake 10Mar2023

Nina Newington, writing on Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia (public FB group), Mar 9, 2023: “Citizen scientists working to protect the forest around Goldsmith Lake got some good news last week and some excellent media coverage this week: thanks … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen Science, Triad, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Nina Newington on Citizen Science and the hold on harvesting at Goldsmith Lake 10Mar2023

“60% of the Last Hope forest is now completely off-limits to cutting” 21Jun2022

UPDATE – June 29, 2022 Update journalist Linda Pannozzo received from the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables last week – go to the bottom of this post for a cc. – Protesters pack up with a win after camping … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Indigenous Peoples, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on “60% of the Last Hope forest is now completely off-limits to cutting” 21Jun2022

Our Wabanaki Forest 21Jun2022

Today, June 21, 2022, we in the northern hemisphere celebrate the summer solstice, as our ancestors have done since prehistoric times. It is also Canada’s National Indigenous Peoples Day: In cooperation with Indigenous organizations, the Government of Canada chose June … Continue reading

Posted in Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Our Wabanaki Forest 21Jun2022

On logging of Nova Scotia Crown land parcel AP068499 Beals Meadow : 3. The Depleted Soils 19Jun2022

At the very least, soil samples should be taken at AP068499 Beals Meadow (and other sites on depleted soils the Ecological Matrix being considered for harvest) to assess the current state of the soils… If there are no signs of … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Natural Resources & Renewables, Wabanaki Forest, WestFor | Comments Off on On logging of Nova Scotia Crown land parcel AP068499 Beals Meadow : 3. The Depleted Soils 19Jun2022