Category Archives: Variable Retention

Shady Accounting and Vanishing Forests on Nova Scotia’s Crown Lands 14Jul2024

By Nina Newington SUMMARY To justify the sacrifice of biodiversity in the 10% of Crown land to be consigned to High Production Forestry under the Forest Triad, the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (DNRR) tells us that … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen Science, Conservation, Independent Review, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Show Us the Science, Tree Harvests, Variable Retention, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Shady Accounting and Vanishing Forests on Nova Scotia’s Crown Lands 14Jul2024

Getting to know AP068499 Beals Meadow (in Nova Scotia) remotely: verse and maps 21Feb2022

Today is Day 82 at the Last Hope for Wildlife Encampment on the Crown land block AP068499 Beals Meadow in Annapolis Co. So far, the neighbours haven’t complained! There’s much that the more timid or less-able-to-travel  of us can learn … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Social Media, Social Values, Variable Retention, WestFor | Comments Off on Getting to know AP068499 Beals Meadow (in Nova Scotia) remotely: verse and maps 21Feb2022

Nina Newington: Thoughts on Day 12 at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment 13Dec2021

And a pictorial summary of these last 12 days Received from NN this a.m., also posted on XR-NS Facebook Page: (Photos are from from this current post and other posts on XR-NS): “Practicalities ruled in the early part of the … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Landscape Level Planning, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Social Media, Social Values, Variable Retention, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Nina Newington: Thoughts on Day 12 at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment 13Dec2021

“When is a Clearcut still a Clearcut?” in Nova Scotia 26Feb2019

Posted Feb 26, 2019 Modified Feb 27, 2019 It appears that L&F selected parameters for its Variable Retention Harvests to emphasize harvesting over ecological values. The Interim Retention Guidelines document that L&F released as a key component of its initial … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Show Us the Science, Variable Retention | Comments Off on “When is a Clearcut still a Clearcut?” in Nova Scotia 26Feb2019

Evidently, Nova Scotia L&F considers adherence to the Interim Retention Guidelines as equivalent to Not Clearcutting 25Feb2019

Variable Retention is L&F’s new way of describing clearcuts, sometimes. Overstory Removal is another. At least in the Interim. In a post on Feb 20, 2019 – Nova Scotia L&F “eliminates clearcutting” – the word that is – I noted … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, L&F, Variable Retention | Comments Off on Evidently, Nova Scotia L&F considers adherence to the Interim Retention Guidelines as equivalent to Not Clearcutting 25Feb2019

Recent changes (Jan 30 & Feb 20, 2019) in Harvest Plan Map Viewer increase concerns about clearcutting in Nova Scotia

And some comments on Social Media from Minister Rankin raise more questions about what’s going on at L&F. “Nova Scotians want and expect an open and transparent process when it comes to the management of Crown lands,” said Natural Resources … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, Ind Rev Post-Report, Rankin, Social Media, Variable Retention | Comments Off on Recent changes (Jan 30 & Feb 20, 2019) in Harvest Plan Map Viewer increase concerns about clearcutting in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia L&F “eliminates clearcutting” – the word that is

UPDATE feb 28, 2019: L&F responds to questions On Feb 11, 2019, Shelly Hipson, one of the more active of the many Nova Scotians now keeping an eye on those elected and appointed officials who are supposed to keep an … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, L&F, Variable Retention | Comments Off on Nova Scotia L&F “eliminates clearcutting” – the word that is