Category Archives: Show Us the Science

How to find those old Chronicle Herald articles related to forestry in Nova Scotia and a lot more on the Internet Archive 12Apr2020

Perhaps all of this is well known to journalists. But it wasn’t to me. As well as static documents, whole functional websites are archived on the Internet Archive and within those archived websites, links to pre-Sept 2018 CH articles (no … Continue reading

Posted in Show Us the Science, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on How to find those old Chronicle Herald articles related to forestry in Nova Scotia and a lot more on the Internet Archive 12Apr2020

Canada’s faulty forest carbon accounting laid bare 30Mar2020

Barry Saxifrage, writing in the National Observer, lays out the complicated way Canada reports forest carbon balances, and how that reporting has been changed in recent years to hide some inconvenient truths In a remarkable, lengthy and well researched opinion … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Canada’s faulty forest carbon accounting laid bare 30Mar2020

Nova Scotia L&F announces Ministerial Committee to advise on implementation of Lahey recommendations 18Oct2019

Modified Oct 19, 2019 a.m. The composition of The Committee is good news; Significant changes in the L&F website for the Lahey Report/Ecological Forestry; and Landscape Level Planning for Biodiversity Conservation still under the radar. The Press Release: Moving Nova … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, L&F, Rankin, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Nova Scotia L&F announces Ministerial Committee to advise on implementation of Lahey recommendations 18Oct2019

Fires in the Amazonian and Boreal Forests: more reason to increase carbon storage in our Acadian forest by “proforestation” 26Aug2019

It’s so convenient, sometimes,  to point the finger elsewhere. Recently  I read that “Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron agree: Amazon wildfires are an ‘international crisis’ (Global News, Aug 22, 2019) Our house is burning. Literally. The Amazon rain forest – the … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Climate Change, Fire, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Fires in the Amazonian and Boreal Forests: more reason to increase carbon storage in our Acadian forest by “proforestation” 26Aug2019

Nova Scotia’s Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes Crown land scheduled to be harvested in nesting season, endangered turtle found in the lakes 5Jun2019

Updates June 9, 2019 – Extinction Rebellion at Corbett/Dalhousie Posted on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology by Sue ES “Approximately 50 people there with Xtinction Rebellion” – CHIMNEY SWIFTS AT CORBETT-DALHOUSIE LAKE FOREST As of this morning, … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, L&F, Show Us the Science, WestFor | Comments Off on Nova Scotia’s Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes Crown land scheduled to be harvested in nesting season, endangered turtle found in the lakes 5Jun2019

iNaturalist keeping an eye on Nova Scotia’s forests 21May2019

Citizen science comes of age in NS forests It didn’t make national or international news, but Halifax did really well in the recent City Nature Challenge (April 26-29, 2019): And… the final results are in: Halifax, we did amazing! 7647 … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen Science, Conservation, Show Us the Science, Social Media | Comments Off on iNaturalist keeping an eye on Nova Scotia’s forests 21May2019

Nova Scotia L&F and Energy, take note: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission petitioned to protect investors against misleading claims about biofuels and the like

One more reason to remove the veil of secrecy over NS government support of plans to develop a Forest Biorefinery for Nova Scotia The Nova Scotia government, at least post-Dexter who touted NS’s first investments in biofuels in 2012, generally … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Nova Scotia L&F and Energy, take note: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission petitioned to protect investors against misleading claims about biofuels and the like

In the works: EAs for Forestry in Nova Scotia 30Mar2019

Just how the Forestry EA process materializes and works could have a huge impact on the politics of forestry in NS. It’s definitely an item to keep an eye on. It’s encouraging to see the EA (Environmental Assessment) process do … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, Show Us the Science, Social Values | Comments Off on In the works: EAs for Forestry in Nova Scotia 30Mar2019

Time for Nova Scotia Government to come clean on forest bioenergy feedstocks 19Mar2019

The film Burned that is making the rounds in NS and elsewhere is NOT about forest bioenergy facilities for which most of the feedstocks are genuine wood processing wastes. It’s about forest bioenergy facilities for which most of the feedstocks … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Time for Nova Scotia Government to come clean on forest bioenergy feedstocks 19Mar2019

“When is a Clearcut still a Clearcut?” in Nova Scotia 26Feb2019

Posted Feb 26, 2019 Modified Feb 27, 2019 It appears that L&F selected parameters for its Variable Retention Harvests to emphasize harvesting over ecological values. The Interim Retention Guidelines document that L&F released as a key component of its initial … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Show Us the Science, Variable Retention | Comments Off on “When is a Clearcut still a Clearcut?” in Nova Scotia 26Feb2019