Category Archives: Selection Harvest

Fourteen students completed the first official tree marking course in Nova Scotia 20Jun2024

Guest Post by Minga O’Brien Tree marking is an integral step in partial harvesting systems geared towards managing for quality timber products, and healthy forest habitats. From June 4-7, 2024, it was my pleasure to be an instructor for a … Continue reading

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Ecologically oriented forestry/small private wood lots in Nova Scotia get a boost 19Oct2021

Finally some good news – if very modest from a financial perspective – for Ecological Forestry in Nova Scotia. From Forestry trust fund doles out $12.4M to 2 projects by Michael Gorman for CBC News Oct 18, 2021: The Family … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Ind Rev Post-Report, Private Woodlots, Selection Harvest, Social Values | Comments Off on Ecologically oriented forestry/small private wood lots in Nova Scotia get a boost 19Oct2021

Logging one-tree-at-a-time in Nova Scotia 18July2019

“I’ve got grandchildren. I have come from five generations of guides, hunting and guiding in East Camp and we rely on the forest and we always will in one shape or form and if nothing else, then to create the … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Private Woodlots, Selection Harvest | Comments Off on Logging one-tree-at-a-time in Nova Scotia 18July2019

Thanks for sensitive management of an old forest in Nova Scotia

A few photos from the  Conform Limited/NSWOOA field day (Oct 6) on “Harvesting the Old-Fashioned Way: Smaller Machines and Bigger Trees” say a lot  about Conform’s and the woodlot owner’s efforts to harvest selectively in a mixed, multi-aged “overmature” stand with as … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Private Woodlots, Selection Harvest | Comments Off on Thanks for sensitive management of an old forest in Nova Scotia

More positive news: Cape Breton hardwood initiative

View Creating a Cape Breton brand of top-quality hardwood by Aaron Berwick, Chronicle Herald, Feb 25, 2018 (online; in print on Feb 26) Subtitle: Breton Forest Innovation Co-op aims to raise industry from the ashes Two hardwood flooring manufacturers and … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Harvest Plan Map Viewer update lists now include “Prescription Type”

In an unannounced but welcome improvement, the update lists that provide summary stats on the latest NSDNR harvest plan announcements now include a category titled “Prescription Type”. These lists are received by e-mail after you sign up for notifications. No … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, HPMV, NSDNR, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

July 28-30 workshop at HLC, Nova Scotia: Woodlot management as if biodiversity mattered

“Join three champions of intelligent forestry – author Jamie Simpson (“Restoring the Acadian Forest”), forest ecologist Donna Crossland, and forest carbon sequestration pioneer Dale Prest, for a weekend addressing the many ways forests benefit society – while absorbing practical knowledge … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Ecosystem Services, Natural History, Private Woodlots, Selection Harvest, Tree Harvests, Wildlife | Leave a comment

Annapolis Co. warden says municipalities should have a say in forestry practices in Nova Scotia

Why not? Ontario passed legislation enabling municipalities to pass Tree Bylaws in 1946! In early March, Annapolis County council sent a letter to Premier McNeil (also the MLA for the area) requesting that the county be excluded from the impending … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Economics, Private Woodlots, Recreation, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science, Social Values, WestFor | Leave a comment

Who is appointed Minister of Natural Resources will provide the first sign of what’s up post election for forestry and forests in Nova Scotia

The Liberals mustered a narrow majority in the May 30, 2017 election, so they will again be in the driver’s seat. My immediate question: who will be the Minister of Natural Resources? The answer will provide the first sign of … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Economics, Mi'kmaq, NSDNR, Selection Harvest, Social Values, WestFor | Leave a comment

Gully Lake error & correction clarified, but not completely fixed?

Three blocks close to the Gully Lake Wilderness Area were initially identified as proposed clearcuts when they were posted on the Harvest Map Viwer on May 12, 2017. This caught the attention of Chris Miller, a national conservation biologist with … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas, Selection Harvest | Leave a comment