Category Archives: Independent Review

Birds nests versus industrial forestry in Nova Scotia & what the Independent Review can do for us

Two items in the forestry related news for Nova Scotia last week illustrate the quandary we are in when it comes to figuring out ‘what to do about forestry in Nova Scotia’. First was an article about the impacts of … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Premier on forestry, Boat Harbour, a “neutral shade of grey”

The Chronicle Herald has been somewhat quiet on the forestry front for a few days, perhaps to give a little space for their coverage of the Premier’s views on all things. Videos from a lengthy CH editorial team sit-down with … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia forests and forestry are in the news and cameras lenses as the Independent Review moves into Phase 2

About mines, pulp effluent, hemlock vampires, the state of the forest, land protection and the Independent Review deliberations Sometimes my attempt to provide a “record of events, news and opinions on the subject of forests and forestry in Nova Scotia … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Independent Review, Letters&Editorials, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, Pests, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Nova Scotia forests and forestry are in the news and cameras lenses as the Independent Review moves into Phase 2

Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia continued..Dec 13, 2017

Einar Christensen offers “A hierarchy of sustainable forestry” & wonders about the make-up of DNR’s Science Advisory Committee Einar Christensen appears to have been following forestry issues for a while. Writing an Op-ed in the Chronicle Herald (OPINION: A hierarchy … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia forests are not the only ones over-harvested, but are likely the most over-harvested in Canada

Four items in Tree Frog Forestry News today (Dec 11th, 2017) illustrate that concerns about over-harvesting of forests are hardly restricted to Nova Scotia. LETTER: Timber companies have had their day in the sun From reader Nick Chatten in BC … Continue reading

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Scott Leslie’s clear-cut photos of Nova Scotia clearcuts

A picture is [sometimes] worth a thousand words; this is one of those times Scott Leslie, a renowned Nova Scotia author and nature/wildlife photographer, was the guest speaker at the Thursday Dec 7, 2017 meeting of the Halifax Field Naturalists … Continue reading

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Red flags and hopes for the Independent Review of Forestry Practices in Nova Scotia

In an op-ed, Government overhaul key to forestry reform (Chronicle Herald, Nov 28, 2017), Dale Smith reviews the lead-up to the Independent Review, its terms of reference and offers a set five recommendations that reflect his experience as a senior … Continue reading

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Update on the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia names experts

“Bill Lahey, University of King’s College president and leader of Nova Scotia’s Independent Review of Forest Practices, has assembled a team of experts to help review forest harvest practices and the overall role of Crown wood supply throughout Nova Scotia.” … Continue reading

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The Independent Review of Forestry in Nova Scotia Phase 1 underway

I’m still a little vague on how I was chosen to talk to the Independent Review of Forestry in Nova Scotia in its first phase, but I was invited to do so on Nov 19, 2017 together with Bob Bancroft … Continue reading

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Six month extension given to WestFor to operate in SW Nova Scotia but with a reduction in allocation

I was wondering recently what happened to the interim WestFor Agreement which expired sometime in September. I have not seen any related news item or press release but a google search turned up discussion of an extension in Hansard: “MS. … Continue reading

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