Category Archives: Independent Review

The Nova Scotia Government responds to The Lahey Report

The extension of forestry licensing agreements by one year, given what’s going on and Minister’s recent defence of it, is not a good sign. ——— ADDENDUM (Dec 4, 2018) Comments from CBC Report ——— Three documents of 10 pages in … Continue reading

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If the Nova Scotia Government changes direction of its Crown land forestry management, how will it deal with cuts approved but not implemented in the meantime?

If the major recommendations of the Lahey Report are accepted, surely the government is obliged to reconsider all outstanding harvests on Crown lands, i.e. including all blocks approved but for which harvesting has not begun. This question came to mind … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review | Comments Off on If the Nova Scotia Government changes direction of its Crown land forestry management, how will it deal with cuts approved but not implemented in the meantime?

Nova Scotia Government will issue response to Forest Practices Recommendations on Mon Dec 3, 2018

Apologies for the date error in the title of a previous post about this event (now deleted) From: CNS Release ( Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 11:52 AM NOTE TO EDITORS–Government Response to Forest Practices Recommendations —————————————————————- Government’s response to … Continue reading

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Bill Lahey presentation in NB (Nov 19, 2018) on the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia available online

Slides from the presentation provide a convenient overview of the background and process of the Independent Review and of the Report itself On UNB Forestry and Environmental Management Facebook Page: – View Video Recording The audio is somewhat rough in … Continue reading

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Prof Lahey’s concerns about the Nova Scotia government’s delay in responding to the Independent Review are reflected in frustrations expressed about cuts proposed for Hardwood Hill, Annapolis Co.

“The health and well-being of the natural world around us is a very important part of who Nova Scotians are…The more activity that takes place in the forest without clarity on whether or not the shift that we have called … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, NSDNR | Comments Off on Prof Lahey’s concerns about the Nova Scotia government’s delay in responding to the Independent Review are reflected in frustrations expressed about cuts proposed for Hardwood Hill, Annapolis Co.

Prof Lahey to talk to New Brunswick’s professional foresters about the Independent Review and how the report has been received by the government, media and civil society

From website of The Association of Registered Professional Foresters of New Brunswick: Topic Nova Scotia’s Independent Review of Forestry Practices: Paradigms, Ecological Forestry and Triads Date/Time November 19, 2018 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Location Wu Centre Auditorium | UNB … Continue reading

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CBC interviews reveal WestFor got a one year renewal on its access to Nova Scotia’s Western Crown Lands on Oct 1, 2018

There’s a lot in these recent Information Morning interviews, unfortunately none of it indicating any significant changes in the way government/L&F and Industrial Forestry think about forests and forestry in Nova Scotia following the Lahey Report. Apt Comment received Nov … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, WestFor | Comments Off on CBC interviews reveal WestFor got a one year renewal on its access to Nova Scotia’s Western Crown Lands on Oct 1, 2018

Biodiverse Southwest Nova Scotia at Risk

Given the Lahey Report & Recommendations, why are we still making harvest decisions on Crown lands based on a narrow spectrum of highly specialized information that few can critique and on a process that has essentially been discredited? UPDATE Jan … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, Wildlife | Comments Off on Biodiverse Southwest Nova Scotia at Risk

While we wait for the government to respond to the Independent Review, what agreement is in place with WestFor?

With the announcement on Apr 27, 2017 that there would be an Independent Review of Forest Practices, the government declared that there would be no more long-term commitments to the 13 mills operating on the Western Crown Lands under the … Continue reading

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Plourde/EAC offer constructive analysis of The Report from the Independent Review and suggest ten things the government should do immediately

Raymond Plourde, Wilderness Coordinator for the Ecology Action Centre has written a lengthy, thoughtful op-ed commenting on the The Report from the Independent Review of Forest Practices in NS. View: OPINION: Lahey forestry report: The good, the bad & the … Continue reading

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