Category Archives: Economics

Private woodlot owners elsewhere want Nova Scotia’s deal with the U.S.

Nova Scotia, along with PEI and Newfoundland, has managed to maintain its exemption from U.S. softwood duties (still to be confirmed, however) on the basis that most of the wood comes from private land. Producers in Central and Western Canada … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Economics, Private Woodlots, Tree Harvests | Leave a comment

CBC InfoA.M. attempts to sort out issues between smaller private owners and operators and the WestFor consortium – #4 A Forest Ecologist’s view

Donna Crossland, a co-author of Restoring the Health of Nova Scotia’s Forests (2010), says we can’t maintain an Acadian forest on 50 year rotations. CBC Halifax Information Morning has carried several lengthy interviews recently to do with the state of … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Ecosystem Services, Letters&Editorials, NSDNR, Private Woodlots, Show Us the Science, WestFor | Leave a comment

CBC InfoA.M. attempts to sort out issues between smaller private owners and operators and the WestFor consortium – #3 The Government view

Deputy Minister Julie Towers defends NSDNR CBC Halifax Information Morning has carried several lengthy interviews recently to do with the state of forestry in Nova Scotia, and in particular controversies surrounding cutting on the Western Crown lands by the WestFor … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Economics, Ecosystem Services, Letters&Editorials, Lumber, NSDNR, Private Woodlots, Pulp & Paper, Show Us the Science, Social Values, WestFor, Wildlife | Leave a comment

CBC InfoA.M. attempts to sort out issues between smaller private owners and operators and the WestFor consortium – #2 WestFor responds

CBC Halifax Information Morning has carried several interviews recently to do with the state of forestry in Nova Scotia, and in particular controversies surrounding cutting on the Western Crown lands by the WestFor consortium. Below is an abbreviated transcript of … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Economics, NSDNR, Private Woodlots, Pulp & Paper, WestFor | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia, PEI and Nfld & Labrador likely to be excluded from U.S. tariffs on softwood lumber

“The U.S. Commerce Department said on Monday it had made a preliminary decision to exclude three of Canada‘s Atlantic provinces from a U.S. investigation into whether Canada is dumping or subsidizing exports of softwood lumber…Much of the wood in the … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, softwood lumber | Leave a comment

Annapolis Co. warden says municipalities should have a say in forestry practices in Nova Scotia

Why not? Ontario passed legislation enabling municipalities to pass Tree Bylaws in 1946! In early March, Annapolis County council sent a letter to Premier McNeil (also the MLA for the area) requesting that the county be excluded from the impending … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Economics, Private Woodlots, Recreation, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science, Social Values, WestFor | Leave a comment

Wentworth Valley on the front lines of tourism versus clearcutting in Nova Scotia

As I set out in the a.m. on the Summer Solstice, I caught the last bit of a CBC Information Morning piece on the Wentworth Valley clearcut. I had missed earlier reports about it, the first, apparently, by Carol Hyslop: … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Economics, Social Values | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia State of the Forest 2016 Report released

Back on April 14, 2017 I commented that it was “Time for the overdue State of the Forest Report with the complete numbers! The last State of the Forest Report was in 2008; the next one was scheduled for Feb. … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Economics, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas | Leave a comment

Producer of “re-invented maple syrup” gets Nova Scotia Exporter of the Year Award

Premier McNeil gave the Nova Scotia Exporter of the Year Award to Hutchinson’s Maple Products in a ceremony at Pier 21 yesterday. It could hardly be a more Nova Scotian story. Chris & Anna Hutchinson grew up on farms in … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Economics | Leave a comment

Who is appointed Minister of Natural Resources will provide the first sign of what’s up post election for forestry and forests in Nova Scotia

The Liberals mustered a narrow majority in the May 30, 2017 election, so they will again be in the driver’s seat. My immediate question: who will be the Minister of Natural Resources? The answer will provide the first sign of … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Economics, Mi'kmaq, NSDNR, Selection Harvest, Social Values, WestFor | Leave a comment