Category Archives: Conservation

A question to the Nova Scotia Liberal Leadership Candidates: How do you plan to align Nova Scotia with the federal Liberal Government’s commitment to 30% Protected Area by 2030? 2Jan 2021

To Randy Delorey, Labi Kousoulis and Iain Rankin, Nova Scotia MLAs and Candidates for leadership of NS Liberal party/Premier of Nova Scotia, to be elected  on February 6, 2021 : I ask you to give some serious thought to this … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Parks & Protected Areas, Social Values, Wildlife | Comments Off on A question to the Nova Scotia Liberal Leadership Candidates: How do you plan to align Nova Scotia with the federal Liberal Government’s commitment to 30% Protected Area by 2030? 2Jan 2021

“The real cure for COVID is renewing our fractured relationship with the planet” 31Dec2020

Posted in Conservation, Social Values | Comments Off on “The real cure for COVID is renewing our fractured relationship with the planet” 31Dec2020

“At least 8 arrests have happened in Moose Country” – XR Nova Scotia 15Dec2020

Blockade started on Oct 21 ends 55 days later with arrests & a new campout begins at Grand Parade in Kjipuktuk/Halifax From XR Nova Scotia, circa 4 pm: “At least 8 arrests have happened in Moose Country! These brave forest/moose … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Social Media, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on “At least 8 arrests have happened in Moose Country” – XR Nova Scotia 15Dec2020

39 years ago Digby East Fish and Game petitioned Nova Scotia Government not to build roads into moose lands now accessed by WestFor 15Dec2020

A document that sat “in a filing cabinet for almost 40 years” has come to light recently, and reveals the historic concern about protecting mainland moose and more broadly, our “last interior wilderness” in SW Nova Scotia. View post by … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, WestFor, Wildlife | Comments Off on 39 years ago Digby East Fish and Game petitioned Nova Scotia Government not to build roads into moose lands now accessed by WestFor 15Dec2020

Nature Nova Scotia on Moose Observations and Forestry in Kespu’ktwik 9Dec2020

& The NatureNS petition  launched just 2 weeks ago now has 23,716 signees December 4, 2020 Hon. Derek Mombourquette Department of Lands and Forestry 3rd Floor, Founders Square 1701 Hollis St. PO Box 698 Halifax, NS B3J 2T9 Dear Mr. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, L&F, Landscape Level Planning, Social Values | Comments Off on Nature Nova Scotia on Moose Observations and Forestry in Kespu’ktwik 9Dec2020

& On Stop Clearcutting Cape Breton: “Follow the new logging roads” 30Nov2020

A new Forest Watch group – Stop Clearcutting Cape Breton – emerged recently. A Public Facebook Group, it is A place for people from Cape Breton and the surrounding area to organize and share information related to the alarming rate … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on & On Stop Clearcutting Cape Breton: “Follow the new logging roads” 30Nov2020

“What will it take to get the Nova Scotia Government to obey its own Environmental Laws?” 29Nov2020

“Nova Scotia Forest Protectors show up in numbers to stand in solidarity with the Moose Country Blockade. “What will it take for the Ministry of Lands and Forests to acknowledge our presence and respond to our requests for a meeting? … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Social Media, Social Values, Wildlife | Comments Off on “What will it take to get the Nova Scotia Government to obey its own Environmental Laws?” 29Nov2020

Nature Nova Scotia launches petition to halt clearcutting in area of SW Nova Scotia where Mainland Moose occur 24Nov2020

The petition to Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry was initiated by Nature Nova Scotia, the organization that led the legally successful lawsuit to require L&F to enforce the Endangered Species Act. It seems L&F is still stonewalling. In … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, L&F, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on Nature Nova Scotia launches petition to halt clearcutting in area of SW Nova Scotia where Mainland Moose occur 24Nov2020

Bob Bancroft on the Sad Plain Truth about Nova Scotia L&F ‘s management of our Endangered Mainland Moose 19Oct2020

Thus letter from Bob Bancroft was shared on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Nov 18, 2020 LETTER::: This is a letter from Bob Bancroft – biologist and president of Nature Nova Scotia – to Bob Petrie, Director … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, L&F, Social Media, Social Values, Wildlife | Comments Off on Bob Bancroft on the Sad Plain Truth about Nova Scotia L&F ‘s management of our Endangered Mainland Moose 19Oct2020

It seems L&F’s response to just about everything is ignore, study some more, hire some more & keep on logging 16Nov2020

With still no response from L&F to the protests over logging in Mainland Moose Country, the Naturalists’ legally successful lawsuit not withstanding, I read this am that L&F is now looking for a Resource Analyst – Wildlife Biodiversity Modeler (Biologist … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Social Values | Comments Off on It seems L&F’s response to just about everything is ignore, study some more, hire some more & keep on logging 16Nov2020