Category Archives: Conservation

The debate warms up: Show us the Science

When I set up this website, I wanted the Home, blogging page (this page) “to serve as a record of events, news and opinions on the subject of forests and forestry in Nova Scotia as they unfold, beginning on June … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Letters&Editorials, NSDNR, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

Clearcuts in a Nature Reserve

A couple of days ago a CBC post told of clearcuts near a protected area (Keji Park). Today, it’s about a clear cut in a protected area: “A landowner in Joggins, N.S. says he’s frustrated by the province’s strategy of … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, Ecosystem Services, NSDNR | Leave a comment

Keji area clearcut to proceed

According to a CBC report, the clearcut proposed near Kejimkujik National Park, which raised hackles in August, is now going ahead on 94 of the 100 ha. A decision has been deferred on 6 ha that impinge directly on the … Continue reading

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Connecting to Wapane’kati

I attended the MTRI Old Forest Conservation Science Meeting at Debert this past week, anticipating that it would be a good experience and it was. I am guessing the attendance was about 80 people, from all walks – foresters, rangers, … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Conservation, Fire, Mi'kmaq, Old Growth, Social Values | Leave a comment

“Steep Slope Initiative” could threaten older forest stands

Many of our patches of remaining old forest in Nova Scotia occur on steep slopes that have remained inaccessible for harvesting. But that could change. FPInnovations executive vice-president Dr. Trevor Stuthridge talks about development of “new harvesting technologies to provide … Continue reading

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Forest Soundscapes

This piece caught my eye recently: Gigantic wooden megaphones amplify the sounds of the forest in Estonia . It begins: “If you’ve ever enjoyed a walk in the woods, you’ve probably noticed the simultaneous “peace and quiet” and subtle busy-ness … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Conservation, Social Values | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia Forests of the Anthropocene: More Youthful and Slender; Winners and Losers; Sunnier Soils Ahead

Donna Crossland will talk on this topic at a meeting of the Blomidon Field Naturalists on Monday, October 17, 2016 at Acadia University. View details. I attended an earlier version of this presentation at the Nature Nova Scotia 2016 Conference … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Fire, Natural History, Old Growth | Leave a comment

The Western Crown Lands: A “Forest Tragedy”

The Western Crown Lands have been described as

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, NSDNR, WestFor | Leave a comment

Margaret Miller on Glyphosate: I am glad she is talking to Chief Gloade

Margaret Miller, Nova Scotia’s Minister of Environment, was interviewed this a.m. about glyphosate spraying of forests on CBC’s Information Morning (Fri, Sep 16, 2016). She said glyphosate has been used on our forests for 30 years. It was re-evaluated by … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Fire, herbicides, Mi'kmaq | Leave a comment

In awe of mature forest in Nova Scotia

Zak Metcalfe, writing in the CH, expresses feelings so many of us feel when we walk through a mature or old growth forest, now so rare in Nova Scotia. The sensation of stepping into a forest of relative maturity is … Continue reading

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