Keji area clearcut to proceed

NSmapViewerImg According to a CBC report, the clearcut proposed near Kejimkujik National Park, which raised hackles in August, is now going ahead on 94 of the 100 ha. A decision has been deferred on 6 ha that impinge directly on the edge of Keji Park.

“Proceeding with the majority of the cut makes sense, Hines said, because of the importance of the forestry industry. The folks who make their living from this industry in the province, all 11,500 of them, have an interest in seeing the best use for our resources,” he said. “It’s a traditional industry that has been sustained for over 400 years in Nova Scotia and this is just another part of that process.”

I am pretty sure that not all of those 11,500 folks (who hold jobs directly and indirectly associated with forestry) would agree with these particular harvests, and I am very sure that many of the other 932,000 stakeholders in these crown lands would strongly disagree. And yes, an industry of sorts has been “sustained” but not the forest and not the habitat for many other species that have called Nova Scotia home.

UPDATE OCT 28: Atlantic CTV news has posted an informative video about this cut. Retired National Parks Employee Peter Hope says he is glad to see at least some selective cutting which will save young oaks, also he is pleased that century old pines have been left in place. That comment refers, apparently, to lands already cut. He expresses concern about clear cutting on the 94 ha closer to Keji Park. A lot of cutting around the park could cut the Park off from other wild areas maaking it a “genetic island”. DNR Minister Hines is interviewed and repeats his assurances that the clearcuts will not damage the environment. Hope said “Overwhelmingly, people said, don’t just clearcut, offer other quality uses of quality woods within the forest.” David Miller of World Wildlife Canada comments on endangered species. NDP leader Gary Burrill is interviewed and expresses concern that Parks Canada was not consulted by DNR before issuing clearcutting permits.

UPDATE NOV 8: Conservationists sound off on proposed Keji clearcuts
Article in The Coast, Monday Nov 7, 2016

According to Miller, [a national conservation biologist with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society] the region near Kejimkujik has the largest concentration of species at risk in Nova Scotia. On top of that, the issue goes beyond Keji. DNR has proposed or approved clear-cutting up to the borders of 15 other protected locations, including Shelburne River Wilderness Area and Indian Man Lake Nature Reserve. “There’s a trend here, and that is industry is knocking at the door of our protected areas. And that should concern everybody,” says Miller.

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