Category Archives: Conservation

Are cats more destructive to Nova Scotia’s forest birds than clearcutting?

NSDNR says Yes. The science indicates that there are far more direct kills of birds by cats  year to year than from forestry operations but the indirect effects of extensive clearcutting on short rotations in Nova Scotia are much more damaging in the longer term … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Natural History, NSDNR, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Are cats more destructive to Nova Scotia’s forest birds than clearcutting?

Nova Scotia DNR Biodiversity Council Members Appointed

Will the council look at habitat loss associated with clearcutting as a major issue? In their 2017 election platform the McNeil Liberals said they would create a Biodiversity Council: …as part of our vision to ensure a healthy environment for … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, NSDNR, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Nova Scotia DNR Biodiversity Council Members Appointed

He went for a walk in the woods but the woods were gone

It’s time to pass an Environmental Bill of Rights for Nova Scotia, as already proposed by Denise Peterson-Rafuse in a Private Member’s Bill, Oct 14, 2016 A line in SURETTE: A Silver Donald lining for global green struggle by Ralph … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, Social Values | Comments Off on He went for a walk in the woods but the woods were gone

Logging during bird breeding season raises the ire of Nova Scotia birdwatchers

A post and a subsequent series of exchanges on Birding News – Nova Scotia (where the Nature Nova Scotia Listserv is made publicly available) highlight an oft-expressed concern about logging in Nova Scotia: why is logging permitted during peak breeding … Continue reading

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Welcome Back: Northern Parula & a welcome sight: Hepatica

The Northern Parula has become a bit of a poster child for birds displaced by clearcutting in Nova Scotia, highlighted by Healthy Forests advocate Donna Crossland: I…walked over a fresh clearcut where the birch once stood. The lake would be … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Conservation, Old Growth | Comments Off on Welcome Back: Northern Parula & a welcome sight: Hepatica

May 17, 2018: Species at Risk in Forested Wetlands returning to Nova Scotia

In our rapidly changing world, it’s can be re-assuring to view the same seasonal changes for another year. A couple of recent entries on the Birding News – Nova Scotia (posting entries on a Nature Nova Scotia Listserv) highlight the … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Natural History | Comments Off on May 17, 2018: Species at Risk in Forested Wetlands returning to Nova Scotia

Matt Dort’s Petition to Save The Northumberland Strait – Protect our Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout gains momentum

After listening to an interview with Matt Dort, I wanted both to drive to Pictou to protest, and buy a fishing rod! The petition Save The Northumberland Strait – Protect our Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout, started by Northumberland shore … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Economics, Pulp & Paper, Recreation | Comments Off on Matt Dort’s Petition to Save The Northumberland Strait – Protect our Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout gains momentum

Letters, Op-eds and news items May 1-5, 2018

On clearcutting, The Mill, biomass and carbon emissions, and politicans tripping over themseleves on environmental issues There has been a steady stream of letters, op-eds, news items related to forests and forestry over the past week. It’s hard to keep … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Independent Review, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Letters, Op-eds and news items May 1-5, 2018

Dale Prest on “Climate Forests”

The sooner The Climate Forest Company can get going in Nova Scotia the better it will be for our forests, small woodlot owners and our climate UPDATE May 8, 2018: CBC made a post based on its CBC Info Morning … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Climate Change, Conservation, Independent Review | Comments Off on Dale Prest on “Climate Forests”

“Smartphone App Enables Family Forest Owners to Get Paid to Store Carbon” – but not in Nova Scotia (yet)

And some thoughts on the impacts on wood markets if Nova Scotian woodlot owners could benefit from carbon markets Addendum May 3, 2018: Listening to Dale Prest on CBC this morning, I realized I had not done my homework properly. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Independent Review, Private Woodlots, WestFor, Woodscamp | Comments Off on “Smartphone App Enables Family Forest Owners to Get Paid to Store Carbon” – but not in Nova Scotia (yet)