Category Archives: Climate Change

Letters, Op-eds and news items May 1-5, 2018

On clearcutting, The Mill, biomass and carbon emissions, and politicans tripping over themseleves on environmental issues There has been a steady stream of letters, op-eds, news items related to forests and forestry over the past week. It’s hard to keep … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Independent Review, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Letters, Op-eds and news items May 1-5, 2018

Dale Prest on “Climate Forests”

The sooner The Climate Forest Company can get going in Nova Scotia the better it will be for our forests, small woodlot owners and our climate UPDATE May 8, 2018: CBC made a post based on its CBC Info Morning … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Climate Change, Conservation, Independent Review | Comments Off on Dale Prest on “Climate Forests”

“Smartphone App Enables Family Forest Owners to Get Paid to Store Carbon” – but not in Nova Scotia (yet)

And some thoughts on the impacts on wood markets if Nova Scotian woodlot owners could benefit from carbon markets Addendum May 3, 2018: Listening to Dale Prest on CBC this morning, I realized I had not done my homework properly. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Independent Review, Private Woodlots, WestFor, Woodscamp | Comments Off on “Smartphone App Enables Family Forest Owners to Get Paid to Store Carbon” – but not in Nova Scotia (yet)

An optimistic perspective about the future of Nova Scotia forests and forestry from “The Boot”

Geoff offers four reasons to be optimistic “The Boot” as I like to call Geoff LeBoutilier, has had successes and setbacks in his decades long efforts to foster healthy communities and healthy lands in his beloved St. Margaret’s Bay area, and … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Climate Change, Conservation, Letters&Editorials, Social Values | Comments Off on An optimistic perspective about the future of Nova Scotia forests and forestry from “The Boot”

Harold Alexander defends Nova Scotia’s Forest Biomass projects, promotes Finnish model

But it is far from clear that Finland has figured it all out In a blistering op-ed a few days ago, somewhat contradicting opinions expressed earlier, Harold Alexander goes after the “steady stream of similarly negative articles and opinions in … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation | Comments Off on Harold Alexander defends Nova Scotia’s Forest Biomass projects, promotes Finnish model

Nova Scotia forests, forestry and GHGs 1: Letters

Serious, thoughtful questions asked about the science behind our strategies to reduce GHGs are met with all-is-ok/trust-us replies This is the first in a series of posts in which I will try to get a handle on how forest management … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Nova Scotia forests, forestry and GHGs 1: Letters

Diseased beech increasing, other hardwoods declining in NE North America – could a 2nd exotic beech pest to enter NA via Nova Scotia redirect change again?

There’s lot’s about tree pests and diseases to observe and think about as we approach a new season in Nova Scotia’s forests American beech, although highly affected by the beech bark disease that got its start in Nova Scotia in … Continue reading

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Executive Director of Climate Change at Nova Scotia Environment challenged on the “renewable energy” status of Pt Tupper biomass facility

In a letter to Mr. Jason Hollett, Executive Director of Climate Change at Nova Scotia Environment, Energy Analyst Peter Ritchie begins: As you are no doubt aware, the biomass boiler owned and operated by Nova Scotia Power Incorporated (NSPI), located … Continue reading

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Carbon Opportunities Conference in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia March 7 & 8, 2018

A notice has been circulating about a Maritime Forest Carbon Opportunity Conference, sponsored by the Nova Scotia Landowners and Forest Fibre Producers Association (NSLFFPA) and the Cape Breton Privateland Partnership (CBPP) to be held in Port Hawkesbury March 7 and … Continue reading

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Will our governments enable Forest Smart, Climate Smart and Dollar Smart opportunities for private woodlot owners in Atlantic Canada?

New Brunswick based Forest International’s efforts to promote carbon offsets as an income generator for private woodlot owners in Atlantic Canada is featured in the business section of today’s Chronicle Herald. Atlantic Canada’s woodlot owners could benefit from the growing … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Independent Review | Comments Off on Will our governments enable Forest Smart, Climate Smart and Dollar Smart opportunities for private woodlot owners in Atlantic Canada?