Category Archives: clearcuts

More on The Human Toll of clearcuts in Nova Scotia: B-trains on rural roads 7Aug2019

An issue raised on Social Media elicits an on-the-ground response within 24 hours It started with a post by Bev Wigney of the Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Public Facebook Group yesterday, commenting on a member [SES] … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Social Media, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on More on The Human Toll of clearcuts in Nova Scotia: B-trains on rural roads 7Aug2019

The human toll of clearcuts in Nova Scotia 6Aug2019

“This happened to me this winter. 24/7 and the main traverse up my hill by the cutting machine and the skidder, was a few meters from my bedroom window. “A truck was loaded a short distance away and drove away … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Private Woodlots, Social Values | Comments Off on The human toll of clearcuts in Nova Scotia 6Aug2019

Don Wilson on Biodiversity in and for Nova Scotia 27July2019

Monday, July 29, 2019 is the final date for submitting comments on the proposed Biodiversity Act. Don Wilson shares his perspectives on how forestry can be practiced to protect biodiversity in Nova Scotia. L&F conducted a Biodiversity Act Consultation over … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, L&F | Comments Off on Don Wilson on Biodiversity in and for Nova Scotia 27July2019

“Re: Imminent violations of the Migratory Birds Convention Act in Shelburne County, NS” 23July2019

UPDATE July 24, 2019: An article in provides a little more context, e.g. “Letters ignored “I wrote to Minister Rankin in May highlighting the section of the Migratory Birds Convention Act relating to disturbance and harm of breeding birds, … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Citizen Science, clearcuts, Conservation, Social Values | Comments Off on “Re: Imminent violations of the Migratory Birds Convention Act in Shelburne County, NS” 23July2019

Logging one-tree-at-a-time in Nova Scotia 18July2019

“I’ve got grandchildren. I have come from five generations of guides, hunting and guiding in East Camp and we rely on the forest and we always will in one shape or form and if nothing else, then to create the … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Private Woodlots, Selection Harvest | Comments Off on Logging one-tree-at-a-time in Nova Scotia 18July2019

Sue Skipton on The Bears of West Dalhousie, Nova Scotia 5July2019

Sue Skipton urges us to rethink how we perceive and live with these “human critters” in Nova Scotia UPDATE: View Bear Necessities – Living with the bears no hardship for animal-loving West Dalhousie woman By Lawrence Powell for the Annapolis … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Social Media, Social Values, Wildlife | Comments Off on Sue Skipton on The Bears of West Dalhousie, Nova Scotia 5July2019

Extinction Rebellion NS & friends protest clearcut on private land in Nova Scotia 29June2019

To date, most of the public concern about logging in NS has been focussed on Crown lands. On Thursday, June 27, 2019, 27 people participated in a XRNS protest at a clearcut on private land To date, most of the … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Private Woodlots, Social Media | Comments Off on Extinction Rebellion NS & friends protest clearcut on private land in Nova Scotia 29June2019

School Strike 4 Climate in Nova Scotia May 3, Shelburne students also target local clearcutting 2May2019

UPDATE May 7, 2019 – Climate change makes teens fear for the future (CBC Info AM Podcast) UPDATE May 3, 2019 – Students across Maritimes march to join Youth Strike 4 Climate CTV News May 3, 2019 – Youth march … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Forestry Maps/L&F respond to concerns about South Mountain cuts & now L&F, not the licensee, address comments sent to the HPMV 1May2019

But, what seemed positive news turned out to contain some very sour grapes (New content added 8: 15 pm) UPDATE May 3, 2019 Bev Wigney requests “a map showing all of the parcels in Annapolis County that were granted approval … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, HPMV, Social Media | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Forestry Maps/L&F respond to concerns about South Mountain cuts & now L&F, not the licensee, address comments sent to the HPMV 1May2019

When the neighbours decide to clearcut in Nova Scotia 25 Apr2019

Good will works in many situations to reduce impacts of clearcuts on a neighbour’s land and does not work in many situations. It  currently takes more than proximity to neighbours who value the lands around them to stop or substantially … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Private Woodlots, Social Media | Comments Off on When the neighbours decide to clearcut in Nova Scotia 25 Apr2019