Category Archives: clearcuts

Nova Scotia L&F’s response to the Lahey recommendations has been to “Talk and Log, Study and Log, Research and Consider Policy Changes but Continue to Log” 14Aug2020

So said Raymond Plourde on Information Morning in the second of two interviews with Nova Scotians discussing NS forestry as we approach the second anniversary of Lahey report. Plourde says it’s feeling more and more like the response (or lack … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Nova Scotia L&F’s response to the Lahey recommendations has been to “Talk and Log, Study and Log, Research and Consider Policy Changes but Continue to Log” 14Aug2020

Two years after the Lahey Report, Nova Scotians are increasingly “saddened, frustrated and angry at what they see in the woods” 13Aug2020

Just prior to the last provincial election, the Liberals promised an ‘Independent Review of Forestry in NS’ in response to ever more vocal and widespread discontent with extensive  clearcutting in NS. The Liberals won the election and asked Prof William … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on Two years after the Lahey Report, Nova Scotians are increasingly “saddened, frustrated and angry at what they see in the woods” 13Aug2020

Ornithologist talks about Migratory Birds and Forestry in Nova Scotia 15Jul2020

I hope that Prof. Staicer’s presentation is widely viewed – and assimilated There is a lot of info about birds that is well known to birdwatchers when you talk to them, but is often hard to access or to fully … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural History | Comments Off on Ornithologist talks about Migratory Birds and Forestry in Nova Scotia 15Jul2020

Petition launched to “Protect birds from being destroyed during nesting season” in Canada quickly reaches 1000 signatures 7Jun2020

June 18 am, 2020 : 5,232 have signed on A petition launched by Bev Wigney of the public Facebook group Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology just before noon on June 6, 2020, to “Protect birds from being … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Natural History, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Petition launched to “Protect birds from being destroyed during nesting season” in Canada quickly reaches 1000 signatures 7Jun2020

Nervousness about forestry practices in Nova Scotia continues 10May2020

There’s not a lot happening on the forests and forestry front these days with The Mill down and Covid19 lockdowns. However, L&F continues to put out plans for harvesting on the HPMV and, presumably, some related activity is happening on … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, HPMV, Ind Rev Post-Report, Social Media | Comments Off on Nervousness about forestry practices in Nova Scotia continues 10May2020

Protecting supply of “wood” but not necessarily big trees from Nova Scotia’s Crown lands remains the priority at L&F 15Mar2020

As Addie and Fred Campaingne pointed out, the fundamental principle underlying the Lahey recommendations is to redress the balance between commercial uses of forests and protecting ecosystems and biodiversity. “In other words, I have concluded that protecting ecosystems and biodiversity … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Protecting supply of “wood” but not necessarily big trees from Nova Scotia’s Crown lands remains the priority at L&F 15Mar2020

Nova Scotia ‘High Production Forestry Discussion paper’ now available, March 13 is deadline for public comment 21Feb 2020 -NOW EXTENDED TO MARCH 31

UPDATE Mar 12, 2020: The deadline has been extended to Mar 31, 2020 according to ML, who was sent an e-mail today (Mar 12) informing “key stakeholders” of the new deadline. ———— L&F issued its latest “Ecological Forestry Update / … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, WestFor | Comments Off on Nova Scotia ‘High Production Forestry Discussion paper’ now available, March 13 is deadline for public comment 21Feb 2020 -NOW EXTENDED TO MARCH 31

“So many clearcuts” in SW Nova Scotia (continued) 20Nov2019

And with no Landscape Level Planning for Biodiversity Conservation and No Nutrient Management on the severely depleted soils Update Nov 21, 2019: Fortunately Jennifer Henderson at the Halifax Examiner spotted an error in the latest WestFor interim Agreement which would … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, HPMV, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on “So many clearcuts” in SW Nova Scotia (continued) 20Nov2019

Canada’s National Forestry Database: new way of assessing area harvested in Nova Scotia introduced for 2017 16Sep2019

It seems that the change in the way the area clearcut, in particular, was estimated in 2017 compared to earlier years indicates that the area of land clearcut on private land had been over-estimated in earlier years. I have not … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts | Comments Off on Canada’s National Forestry Database: new way of assessing area harvested in Nova Scotia introduced for 2017 16Sep2019

Nova Scotia Harvest Plan Map Viewer now specifies % retention 17Aug2019

Addendum on Aug 18, 2019 It’s not multi-age management and it’s not a substitute for implementing Irregular Shelterwood systems as recommended by Lahey and Seymour As of July 18, 2019, L&F made a “minor” update in the HPMV. From the … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Harvest Plan Map Viewer now specifies % retention 17Aug2019