Category Archives: clearcuts

Petition seeks to Stop the Clear-Cutting Near Kejimikujik Park

The petition to Honourable Lloyd Hines (Minister of Department of Natural Resources), Keith Irving (MLA Kings South) & the Honourable Stephen McNeil (Premier) was initiated by Jennah Larkin of Wolfville. She writes “It has been shown time and time again … Continue reading

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Cap and Trade could provide major incentive NOT to clearcut

In the November newsletter of the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association (NSWOOA), Dale Prest appeals to readers to urge the province to adopt a Cap and Trade system of carbon accounting. “Well-designed climate change policy would give forest … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Selection Harvest | Leave a comment

Clearcutting threatens Mattatal Lake

In a Letter to the Editor (CH), Rick Parker of the Mattatall Lake Stewardship Board, writes: “In the watershed around Mattatall Lake, upwards of 60 per cent of the woodland, both private and Crown, has been clear cut, causing streams … Continue reading

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Subcontractor charged for clearcutting on Crown land

“The subcontractor charged with clearcutting a portion of Long Lake Provincial Park has pled guilty. Resourcestec Inc. entered the plea in court Thursday, while co-accused Dexter Construction Company Ltd. and Scott and Stewart Forestry Consultants Ltd. had their charges dropped.” … Continue reading

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Mimicing natural disturbances and sustaining natural ecosystem structure and function in Nova Scotia

[Post updated Nov 13, 2016: Global Forest Watch images added.] Have a look at the much touted vehicle of transparency around cutting on crown land in Nova Scotia: the Harvest Map Viewer (or go to the cover page for the … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, NSDNR, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

The Nova Scotia Forest Nutrient Budget Model surfaces

A slide presentation by NSDNR in June 2009 announced that a “Soil nutrient budget computer model–a decision support model to assess site suitability for biomass harvest in NS” was being developed by DNR contracting with UNB (University of New Brunswick) … Continue reading

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What lichens and lichenologists can and sometimes cannot tell us

Writing in the Halifax Examiner, Linda Pannozo highlights lichens and lichenologists (lichen specialists) in Nova Scotia, and reveals some of the struggles involved in protecting the endangered boreal felt lichen and other species from the ravages of clearcutting. A NSE … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, NSDNR, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

Council of Canadians asks: Is Biomass Energy Sustainable?

The Council of Canadians is sponsoring a panel discussion of a “Clear Cut Question”: Is Biomass Energy Sustainable? Panelists are Bob Bancroft, Richard Pearson and Mary Jane Rodgers. The discussion takes place Friday, November 18, 2016. 7-9 pm at the … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change | Leave a comment

More comments following “Show Us the Science”

Mike Parker’s Op-ed of Oct 28th has opened a box. Two contrasting reflections on the Op-ed are expressed in the CH today, by Tom Miller of Green Hill and Earle Miller, Lower Onslow. Tom Miller begins ” What an incredibly … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Letters&Editorials, NSDNR, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

Sterling Belliveau uses FOIPOP to access data on clearcutting of crown land

In question period today in the Nova Scotia Legislature, Sterling Belliveau, MLA for Queens-Shelburne and NDP House leader noted that the goal of a 50% reduction in clearcuts was supposed to have been achieved by 2016 and that NSDNR Minister … Continue reading

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