Category Archives: clearcuts

Nova Scotia election: only the Greens are unequivocal about clearcutting

Candidates representing the environmental platforms for the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP and the Greens made short presentations and participated in Q&A in an Environmental Issues Election Debate yesterday. The event, held at Kings College in Halifax, was sponsored by the Ecology … Continue reading

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Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia, AFR for May017

Two letters in the May 2017 issue of Atlantic Forestry Review reflect on N.S. Crown land management issues. Tom Miller of Green Hill, N.S. focusses on the need for better management of Crown land hardwoods, not that softwoods don’t also … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Economics, Letters&Editorials, NSDNR, Selection Harvest, Social Values, Wood Construction | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia forestry science simply wrong

Speaking at the Tupperville, Annapolis Co. Community Hall on May 9, 2017, forest ecologist Donna Crossland reiterated her oft repeated criticism of NSDNR’s claims that its harvesting methods mimic natural disturbances. It simply isn’t true, she says, as reported in … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

Forestry becoming an election issue in Nova Scotia

The N.S. Liberals made some key environmental commitments on May 8 including Maintaining the moratorium on fracking (the Liberal government introduced a moratorium on fracking in 2014);. Introducing a new Coastal Protection Act; Introducing a new Biodiversity Act and launching … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Economics, NSDNR, Social Values, WestFor | Leave a comment

Are biofuels from Nova Scotia forests good for the environment? Show us the science!

A recent opinion piece in the LocalXpress by Rod Badcock of BioApplied Innovation Pathways extols the potential benefits of a high-tech “bioeconomy” for Nova Scotia. He cites Cellufuel in Brooklyn N.S, as “forging a new innovative path, developing a renewable … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Economics, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

Re-commit to the Natural Resources Strategy & regulate clearcutting says EAC

Regulation of clearcutting is one of four Green Priorities the Ecology Action Centre has identified for the next Nova Scotia Government to implement (Nova Scotia will elect a new government on May 30, 2017): Nova Scotia needs to regulate clearcutting … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts | Leave a comment

Do economic woes lead to conservative forest use in Nova Scotia?

I recently re-visited a remnant woodland on gypsum karst near Avondale, an area slated in 2008 for expansion of the Miller’s Creek (Fundy Gypsum) mine. The expansion was approved by Nova Scotia Environment in February 2010. Then the downturn in … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, Economics, Natural History, Private Woodlots, Pulp & Paper | Leave a comment

Independent review of forestry announced in Nova Scotia budget address

“Government will also appoint an independent expert to review our forestry practices to ensure we strike the right balance for our forests. This review will get underway as soon as possible, starting first in the western region. No future long-term … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Independent Review, NSDNR, Tree Harvests, WestFor | Leave a comment

Naturalists question the science of sustainable forestry in Nova Scotia

“The Conservation Committee of the Halifax Field Naturalists has prepared a document commenting on the impacts of forestry in Nova Scotia on conservation of biodiversity and asking questions about the underlying science.” View: – Questions about forestry science forwarded to … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Ecosystem Services, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science, Wildlife | Leave a comment

WestFor Interim Agreement extended to Sep. 2017

A CBC report this a.m. indicated that the long term agreement being negotiated with WestFor to access and manage the Western Crown Lands has been extended to Sept., thereby placing the final decision until after an election likely to be … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Pulp & Paper, WestFor | Leave a comment