Category Archives: clearcuts

A day of mourning for Nova Scotia’s forests & wildlife

In an op-ed, Donna Crossland of the Healthy Forest Coalition writes about the losses being mourned at the “Forest Funeral” taking place today in Halifax. When bobcat and fisher lose their homes through clearcutting, seldom can they move elsewhere to … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, events, Mi'kmaq, NSDNR, Social Values | Leave a comment

Jamie Simpson on forests and forestry in Nova Scotia and the Forest Funeral

Don Connolly interviewed Jamie Simpson earlier today on CBC Information Morning about forests and forestry in Nova Scotia and the upcoming Forest Funeral. Below is an abbreviated transcript of the interview. Intro: Jamie Simpson is fed up. He is a … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Economics, Mi'kmaq, NSDNR, Social Values | Leave a comment

Bob Bancroft on Rick Howe Show today to talk about purpose of the Forest Funeral

The Rick Howe Show – Monday, October 16, 2017: 12 p.m. Conservationist and biologist Bob Bancroft is planning a symbolic funeral for the forest, he will be giving the eulogy at the Thursday ceremony. He’ll tell us more about the … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia Healthy Forest Coalition to hold a “Forest Funeral” Thurs Oct 19, 2017

As announced on the Forest Funeral Events Facebook page: You are invited to mourn our forest losses with citizens from across the province. Please come to pay your respects to the once great Acadian Forest. An ‘open casket’ of tiny … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Indigenous Peoples, Social Values | Leave a comment

More cutting near protected areas in Nova Scotia, now the Tobeatic

Landscape level planning for biodiversity conservation appears to be lacking in Crown land harvest decisions A CBC story describes how “a proposed clearcut near Nova Scotia’s largest protected wilderness [the Tobeatic Protected Wilderness Area] is worrying environmentalists and nearby residents … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Parks & Protected Areas, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

Canadian company patents new technology for monitoring GHGs

I have often wondered when science & technology will come up with much better means of monitoring GHG (Greenhouse Gas Emissions) balances than the laborious, assumption-laden auditing processes we rely on currently. A Toronto based company, dynaCERT Inc. (Carbon Emmision … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Economics | Leave a comment

A brief history of recent times in Nova Scotia’s Acadian forest

Writing in The Coast (Oct 5, 2017), author Joan Baxter outlines “The long history of Nova Scotia sacrificing its forests to big pulp, and why it has to end” The coast obviously figures it is a topical issue: the print … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, NSDNR | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia-only Cap & Trade system announced

There appear to be no incentives (or disincentives) for forestry “Nova Scotia’s Environment Minister has announced that the province will go it alone for now in creating its new carbon pricing plan.” View N.S. lays groundwork for cap and trade … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Economics | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia Forestry in the Spotlight..30Sep2017

Forestry issues made a splash on the opinion pages this weekend, and more quietly, on the woodlot of Peter and Pat Spicer at Spencer’s Island on the Fundy shore of Cumberland Co. Writes Jim Guy, author and professor emeritus of … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Letters&Editorials, NSDNR, Private Woodlots | Leave a comment

Big guys versus the rest in Nova Scotia forestry

Atlantic Forestry Review (Sep 2017) provides a pretty unbiased perspective of forestry in Atlantic Canada, allowing different players or journalists writing about those players to express their perspectives and otherwise reporting on good news, bad news, human-interest news and just … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Economics | Leave a comment