Category Archives: Biomass

Marcus Zwicker: Managed forests sequester more carbon than unmanaged forests

Some do, some don’t; the statement is unlikely to apply to current management of the forests of Nova Scotia In a post on Marcus Zwicker’s Facebook page, the WestFor General Manager presented the diagram below, with the comment “Managed forests … Continue reading

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Burned, the Movie about forest bioenergy, continues to make the rounds in Nova Scotia

While our bureaucrats, politicians, industrial forestry and Nova Scotia Power continue to claim that the Port Hawkesbury biomass plant contributes to GHG reductions for NS, Burned,the Movie, continues to make the rounds:

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“My Little Bit Won’t Hurt” – Carbon Emissions & Biomass Burning

Or maybe it will Guest Post by Norris Whiston The following graph of an Antarctic ice core sample covers Earth’s last 800,000 years. It was done by the British Antarctic Survey (Natural Environment Research Council) and reported 14 November 2016. … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia’s version of “Burned”: It’s TOO Big – Biomass

Antigonish filmmaker Peter Murphy and a group of four ACALA volunteers re-released what might be described as “the Nova Scotia version of Burned” on Vimeo a few days ago: It’s TOO Big – Biomass, 8 min 54 secs, with local … Continue reading

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Reposting: Readings from Maine: Mitch Lansky on managing forests to increase carbon capture and reduce carbon emissions

The movie Burned is getting a lot of attention these days in Nova Scotia, as it is shown in communities around the province. As a constructive contribution towards the discussions that follow, it seemed appropriate to repost this item, originally … Continue reading

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Reposting: Planning ahead for Industrial forestry in Nova Scotia – allowing bigger trucks on our roads

deja vu, paving the roads for industrial forestry in Nova Scotia After reading Province reduces regulatory burden for truck and forestry industries by Danielle McCreadie in Halifax Today (Jan 2, 2019) subtitle: “Road reclassifications to allow efficient truck axle configurations … Continue reading

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McNeil & Co firm on closure of Boat Harbour, vague on plan B (Biomass, Biofuel, Biorefinery and Bioeconomy)

The government should be explicit (public and transparent) about the options it is exploring and talk to more than just the advocates for Biomass, Biofuel, a Biorefinery and the Bioeconomy before taking us further down that path Update/Comment Dec 15, … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia L&F searching for Manager, Innovation & Business Development

Developing biofuels and the like remains a high priority of L&F Addendum Dec 12, 2018: In today’s Chronicle Herald: N.S. adjusts refinery environmental assessment regulations By Stuart Peddle. “The province is changing environmental assessment regulations for small oil refineries after … Continue reading

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Clearcutting forges ahead on the St. Margaret’s Bay Bowater-Mersey lands while we wait for the Government’s response to the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia

UPDATE Dec 11. 2018: Additional Comments from St. Margaret’s Bay folks ——————— Folks in the St. Margaret’s Bay area who spearheaded the successful campaign to see the people of Nova Scotia “Buy Back the Mersey Lands”, then to see a … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, clearcuts, WestFor | Comments Off on Clearcutting forges ahead on the St. Margaret’s Bay Bowater-Mersey lands while we wait for the Government’s response to the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia

Can Dalhousie/AC lead the way on proper accounting for bioenergy in Nova Scotia?

Dal/AC’s revamped biomass plant provides heat and power for the Truro campus and generates over a million dollars annually from exporting electricity. But is it truly carbon neutral and will it stay that way? UPDATE: Comment from Rochelle Owen Executive … Continue reading

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