Search Results for: biomass

Feedback sought on Wood Pellet Association of Canada’s Regional Risk Assessment for sourcing biomass from Nova Scotia’s harvestable forest land base 16Jun2024

Please, all stakeholders, register and review this RRA. A wide range of stakeholders is considered relevant. One of the ways I attempt to keep up with News related to forests and forestry in Nova Scotia is by subscribing to a … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Certification, Conservation, Tree Harvests, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Feedback sought on Wood Pellet Association of Canada’s Regional Risk Assessment for sourcing biomass from Nova Scotia’s harvestable forest land base 16Jun2024

Islanders are asking the right questions about biomass heating 23Nov2019

PEI’s use of wood for heating public buildings has been cited as a model we should follow here. From the Lahey Report(Aug 21, 2019): Conclusion 7: Some say that harvesting trees for energy production, sometimes called biomass harvesting particularly when … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review | Comments Off on Islanders are asking the right questions about biomass heating 23Nov2019

“It’s time for Nova Scotia political leaders to stop what seems to be a runaway, and rationally incoherent, biomass energy policy” 9July2019

So reads a line in EDITORIAL: Senseless biomassacre (Chronicle Herald Fri July 5, 2019). Some  extracts: A groundbreaking scientific study released earlier this week showed the unparalleled power of the world’s trees to quickly and cheaply limit climate change. The … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change | Comments Off on “It’s time for Nova Scotia political leaders to stop what seems to be a runaway, and rationally incoherent, biomass energy policy” 9July2019

XR Nova Scotia gets its message about forest biomass to Emera/NSP execs 15Apr2019

UPDATE – For a Valley Perspective on the Day, see ‘Train wreck coming’ – Activists push for more media coverage, more action on climate change Lawrence Powell for the Cape Breton Post, Apr 16, 2019 —————————- Close to 100 participants, … Continue reading

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“My Little Bit Won’t Hurt” – Carbon Emissions & Biomass Burning

Or maybe it will Guest Post by Norris Whiston The following graph of an Antarctic ice core sample covers Earth’s last 800,000 years. It was done by the British Antarctic Survey (Natural Environment Research Council) and reported 14 November 2016. … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia’s version of “Burned”: It’s TOO Big – Biomass

Antigonish filmmaker Peter Murphy and a group of four ACALA volunteers re-released what might be described as “the Nova Scotia version of Burned” on Vimeo a few days ago: It’s TOO Big – Biomass, 8 min 54 secs, with local … Continue reading

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McNeil & Co firm on closure of Boat Harbour, vague on plan B (Biomass, Biofuel, Biorefinery and Bioeconomy)

The government should be explicit (public and transparent) about the options it is exploring and talk to more than just the advocates for Biomass, Biofuel, a Biorefinery and the Bioeconomy before taking us further down that path Update/Comment Dec 15, … Continue reading

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NS Forest Biomass

Information on feedstocks, operation, certifications etc for Forest Bioenergy Operations and Suppliers in Nova Scotia ‘Workin on it – Dec 10, 2018 ———————– NSP/PHP Port Hawkesbury/Pt Tupper – Despite warnings that burning biomass does not address climate change, Nova Scotia … Continue reading

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Forest management group proposal for biomass heating provides an opportunity for Nova Scotia government to “get it right” on forest bioenergy

Minor edits made Sep 27 a.m. Can the Nova Scotia Government  set climate- and ecologically-smart standards for forest bioenergy? In a half page colour ad on page A12 of last Saturday’s (Sep 22, 2018) Chronicle Herald, North Nova Forest Owners … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Forest management group proposal for biomass heating provides an opportunity for Nova Scotia government to “get it right” on forest bioenergy

Allan Eddy retains interests in biomass

Updated May 12, 2018 Biofuels have their flag wavers firmly embedded in government Somehow or another I happened upon Senior Official’s Travel Expenses – Apr 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2018 as at Apr 19, 2018, and noted that Allan Eddy … Continue reading

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