Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia, continued..24Feb2017

Re-assurances all is OK

In an Op-ed, Kingsley Brown (President of the Nova Scotia Landowners and Forest Fibre Producers Association) offers re-assurances that things are humming along just fine in forestry in Nova Scotia, apparently a little more optimistic than he was in a Feb 4 Op-ed (Nova Scotia forestry sector hangs by a thread – “The industry is currently so finely balanced that a decision in Shanghai could shut it down within 30 days, according to government and industry estimates. But there’s no sense of public urgency, not a peep in the legislature, no discussions in party caucuses, no letters to the premier or Department of Natural Resources minister.”

Says KB on Feb 24 (OPINION: Reform — people co-operating and no more ‘sandbox politics):

“The association I belong to is making healthier and higher-value forests for a stronger regional economy, a world leader in forestry innovation, and the fastest-growing group for responsible, sustainable forestry in Canada, ranked third and fourth in growth in size and membership in North America… without a single murmur of dissent, they’re [First Nations, lowland and highland cutters, silviculture workers, contractors, thousands of mom-and-pop private woodlot owners and co-operative forestry groups ] working together for better forests in the interests of everyone…. Politicians shouldn’t be too far behind in doing their part to make a new Nova Scotia.”

As noted under About this site, “The Home Page for this website consists of “posts” and is intended to serve as a record of events, news and opinions on the subject of forests and forestry in Nova Scotia as they unfold, beginning on June 21, 2016.”

To view past posts reporting on Letters and Editorials, click on Letters&Editorials under Categories on the right panel of this page, or click here. I am sure I have missed a few or quite a few, but I do not filter on the basis of whether I agree with them or not (although I may comment on them), so the compilation should provide some sense of the back and forth about forestry in Nova Scotia in the Editorials and Letters to the Ed.

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