Nova Scotia Forestry Petition 2.0 calls for fundamental changes in forestry management on Crown lands

Petition targets clearcutting and WestFor license

UPDATE March 3: 1509 have signed on to the petition at
Apparently there have been significant sign-on challenges at the site, so HG informed me that she has also posted the petition at, worded slightly differently to suit the format. So sign on to one or the other if you wish to support the petition. Signing on at site is reportedly more straight-forward.


Helga Guderley with anti-forest biomass petition at NS Legislature, Nov 1, 2016.

Just a little under a year ago, St. Margaret’s Bay resident Helga Guderley launched a petition calling on Premier McNeil to stop using forest biomass for electrical power generation. It garnered over 25,000 signatures within 10 days. In the fall, a paper version was tabled in Nova Scotia Legislature.

The success of the petition elicited a Bruce McKinnon cartoon, and likely contributed to or at least speeded up the Nova Scotia Government decision to stop the Must-Run provision for the Pt. Tupper Biomass plant. The petition also mobilized a lot of public discontent around clearcutting in Nova Scotia which led to the formation of the Healthy Forest Coalition.

Yesterday (Feb 13, 2017) Guderley launched version 2.0, calling on the Premier to “Ban clear cutting on Crown land, favour selection management and cancel WestFor’s license”.

View Petition

Guderley lays out her rationale on the Petition website and comments further on the WestFor license in an Op-ed in the CH today (Feb 14, 2017). Writes Guderley:

Behind closed doors, Nova Scotia’s Department of Natural Resources has quietly transferred the management of 1.4 million acres of Crown lands to WestFor, a consortium of 13 privately owned mills…WestFor’s management of our Crown lands may soon be solidified by a 10-year lease…Giving WestFor a 10-year lease to manage 1.4 million acres of Crown lands would give industry unprecedented access to public forests. It would tip the scales towards devastating industrial exploitation, with virtually no consideration for ecological and environmental values.

Read the full Op-ed in the CH: N.S. Crown land forests: who is managing them? (CH, Feb 14, 2017)

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