Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia, continued..31Jan2017

logs“So Nova Scotia’s forest industry is reporting more jobs and money lately. As a small woodlot owner and operator, I say, “Show me the money.” View READER’S CORNER: A fragile boom (CH Jan 31)

“Natural Resources Minister Lloyd Hines proudly trumpets rising employment numbers in forestry (Jan. 28) as a positive reflection of current policy. I suggest, au contraire, that these numbers reflect his government’s rapacious strategy of clear (and near-clear) cutting, shortsighted eco-questionable bio-mass electricity generation and little or no selective, value-added intelligent harvesting.”
View Voice of the People: Forest policy fiddle (CH Jan 31)

“I have been watching TV ads about how sustainable the forest industry is in our province. I have also seen first-hand the hundreds of acres of Crown land in my area being decimated by clear-cutting.” View Voice of the People – CLEAR-CUT EVIDENCE CH Jan 19)

As noted under About this site, “The Home Page for this website consists of “posts” and is intended to serve as a record of events, news and opinions on the subject of forests and forestry in Nova Scotia as they unfold, beginning on June 21, 2016.”

To view past posts reporting on Letters and Editorials, click on Letters&Editorials under Categories on the right panel of this page, or click here. I am sure I have missed a few or quite a few, but I do not filter on the basis of whether I agree with them or not (although I may comment on them), so the compilation should provide some sense of the back and forth about forestry in Nova Scotia in the Editorials and Letters to the Ed.

A list of all posts on the Home Page since June 21, 2016, is available under All Posts.

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