Acadia Lifelong Learning: The Secret Life of Acadian Forest Flora

Trillium erectum (purple trillium) in hardwoods at Cape Split, Nova Scotia on May 18, 2008.

An article in the Kings County News highlights this short course that will be given by Melanie Priesnitz.

From the class description: “Discover the wild plants of the Acadian Forest Region. Learn about their ingenious habits and adaptations. Explore folklore, history, horticulture and ecology of a group of diverse and unique plants. Get re-connected with plants or connect with them for the first time. If you love learning about the natural world, this is the course for you.” Offered in 4 sessions by Melanie Priesnitz Fridays, 9:30 a.m. — 11:00 a.m. February 17 — March 10. View Details

Says the Kings County News of Melanie Priesnitz: “Passionate about plants, people and the environment, Priesnitz holds a diploma in Landscape Horticulture, certificates in Applied Plant Conservation and Organic Soil Management. She has been cultivating the native plant collection at the Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens since 2000. As a horticulture student at the Nova Scotia Community College, she had the opportunity to work on the landscape crew planting the new botanical garden at Acadia. Priesnitz is also the Nova Scotia coordinator for the environmental monitoring program PlantWatch.”

I have heard Melanie talk about PlantWatch. She is very knowledgable and has infectious enthusiasm. Few may know that PlantWatch has its origins in Nova Scotia where “over one hundred years ago, Nova Scotia’s Superintendent of education, Dr. Alexander H. MacKay had students collect plant, animal, agricultural and weather phenology from 1897 to 1923.”

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