“At least 8 arrests have happened in Moose Country” – XR Nova Scotia 15Dec2020

Blockade started on Oct 21 ends 55 days later with arrests & a new campout begins at Grand Parade in Kjipuktuk/Halifax

Extinction Rebellion Nova Scotia photo. Santa apparently an innocent bystander

From XR Nova Scotia, circa 4 pm:

“At least 8 arrests have happened in Moose Country! These brave forest/moose protectors have been filling the void as our provincial government shamefully thumbs a nose at the Species at Risk Act (among others) and now these folks are being charged with contempt of court, when the Liberal government should be held to task for allowing the destruction of the mainland moose habitat for ignoring the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia’s decision! Shame on our government!”

And posted on XRNS this am:

XRNS photos

HAPPENING NOW: Grand Parade Camp out Against Ecocide! Kjipuktuk/Halifax:

“Jacob is a passionate and dedicated person who has supported a number of Extinction Rebellion actions, and recently spent two weeks with the Forest Protectors.
He has come to the decision to initiate this action as a protest against the Nova Scotia Government’s inaction regarding key environmental issues. He asks anyone who is supportive to drop by and say hello, or join him for a night or two while following Covid protocols in groups no larger than five.
XRNS would like to support Jacob in this endeavour- some items will be needed and support visits with supplies.
If you’d like to help, especially if you live nearby, please send a message to our page.
Here is a copy of Jacob’s public announcement:

“Hello everybody,
today I have decided to start camping on grand parade in protest of the lack of action on the climate crisis. I have several demands.
1. Implement a moratorium on clearcutting until the Lahey report is implemented and core habitat is defined for all endangered nova scotia species.
2. Restore the Avon river to its natural state by removing a portion of the causeway and building a bridge in its place.
3. Stop the sale of owls head and relist it as a provincial park.
4. Overrule the approval that has been given to alton gas that allows them to dump salt brine into the Shubenacadie river.
I am sure that there are other serious ecology issues taking place, and would be happy to add to my list of demands. It is time for our elected officials to stand with the people against environmental devastation.
Please come stand with me.
I would like to acknowledge that I live on un-ceded, un-surrendered Mi’kma’ki.”

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