I rented a cottage for a month in the wilds of Nova Scotia, just south of Kejimkujik Park… it seemed that everywhere I went I witnessed extreme devastation to our land…clear cutting everywhere

So Said JFS on Stop Spraying & Clear-Cutting Nova Scotia (Public Facebook group), today (Aug 22, 2020).

Here is the full statement:

I rented a cottage for a month in the wilds of Nova Scotia, just south of Kejimkujik Park. On my daily hiking trips, it seemed that everywhere I went I witnessed extreme devastation to our land…clear cutting everywhere, with not a single bit of reforestation. It was truly heartbreaking. And do they really think that a couple of rows of trees by the roadside hides the destruction?

Perhaps it was on private land, perhaps on Crown. No matter, the impacts are the same, only more painful when it is on our (public) land.

Also In the News today:

BOB BANCROFT: Forest plantations defy science, ignore economics
Bob Bancroft in the Chronicle Herald, Aug 22, 2020; there is also a Bruce MacKinnon Editorial Cartoon from Sept 2, 2016 depicting Premier McNeil giving the forest a haircut.

Says Bancroft: “The Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry and the forestry industry are planning to replace more than 800,000 acres of fertile public forest land with softwood plantations that are simplified, even-aged crop rotation systems largely devoid of nature.

“This feat will be accomplished at tremendous public and environmental expense. Ignoring long-term economic and scientific realities, it flies in the face of history and will produce only short-term, private profits.

“Clearcutting followed by even-aged softwood plantings on former hardwood and mixed hardwood-softwood sites severely degrades these sites over a short period of time. The resulting ecological imbalance promotes pest infestations, disease, vulnerability to strong winds and stresses caused by hot, dry weather….”

Read full op-ed in the CH

View Cartoon on Web Archive
View related NSFN post, Sep 2, 2016

I keep looking for positive news about forests and forestry in NS.

‘Hard to come by.

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