A disturbing level of forest disturbance in the Highlands

screen-shot-2016-10-24-at-1-37-15-pmRobert Devet, writing in the Nova Scotia Advocate, points us to ” A weekend video with a difference. No story line, no sound, no people, just images from a drone flying high above the Cape Breton Highlands.”

It shows “Large clearcuts as far as the eye can see…These are likely second or even third time cut-overs since the sixties, says Ryan Chambers, a former fly fisherman and guide who lives in the area”.

Looking at the video and available description in the Devet article or on youtube, it is unclear to me whether the video was taken within the area of natural boreal forest on the Cape Breton Highlands, or whether as cited in text accompanying the video on youtube, it ” shows the borealization of our native, and endangered Acadian forest.”

Regardless, even the native boreal forest in C.B supports some hardwoods and there are few in those vistas. And regardless it illustrates a disturbing level of disturbance.

Well worth a look.

I am glad someone is looking.

UPDATE (10:15 pm oct 24): Under Comments for the Youtube Video, I had posted this comment:
“I am wondering where this was taken. I looks like it could be within the natural boreal forest zone in the CB highlands, but outside of the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Regardless, it illustrates a disturbing level of disturbance.”

Dave Thomas replied:
“This particular area in the video was not part of the original boreal forest. Despite popular misconception the original boreal area was confined to very specific areas depending on altitude and soil quality. The Acadian forest does not suddenly stop at the top of the slopes. It may seem like that because the slopes are the only part that hasn’t been cut and switched over yet. The vast majority of the area recognized as the highlands was in fact Acadian forest. Depending on where, it would be classified as either lowland Acadian forest our upland Acadian forest. There were pure stands of fir in the highlands at one time. The original boreal area was a tiny fraction of what is now softwood. Another very good indicator to me of what was originally in some of these now softwood areas, is the presence of yellow birch stumps.”

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