Independent Review of Forestry Practices in Nova Scotia issues a “Process Update”

As reported on the website for the Independent Review of Forestry Practices:

Process Update: July 9, 2018

Professor Lahey has received feedback on the draft report from legal advisors in international law and is in the process, with his team, of reviewing the feedback and considering changes, if any, to the report and supporting documents. As previously indicated, when completed, the final report will be released simultaneously to the public and to the Minister.

The last Process Update was on April 30, 2018:

Process Update: April 30, 2018

The report will be completed in the next few days, and it is being subjected to further review by advisors in international law and forestry economics before it is finalized and submitted to Minister Miller and made available to the public.

I have been checking the website for the Independent Review daily, today was the first time I have seen the Process Update dated July 9. Perhaps I missed yesterday.

I have to wonder whether the July 9 update was a response to the “Gossip” I attached to a post on July 9 to the effect that “NSDNR knows at least the gist of what will be in the Report from the Independent Review, there have been many many meetings at NSDNR…”.

I am encouraged to learn from the July 9 Process Update that the intent of Prof Lahey in regard to simultaneous release to government and the public has remained firm.

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