A suite of Nova Scotia Forest & Forestry related presentations 16Jun2022

A suite of Youtube videos of presentations related to Nova Scotia’s forests and forestry given at several recent annual meetings has appeared on Youtube recently. They cover a wide range of topics and perspectives.

1. Videos from 2022 Central Woodland Conference
2. Videos from Nature Nova Scotia 2022 AGM/Celebration of Nature
3. Videos from Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners & Operators Association’s 2022 AGM

At the the 2022 Central Woodland Conference was held on Saturday, April 2nd

“The Woodland Conferences are organized annually by a hardworking committee of representatives from several Nova Scotia groups interested in forestry. This year, our provincial committee included partners from the Nova Scotia Department of Resources and Renewables, Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association (Provincial Coordinator), Association for Sustainable Forestry, Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute, Western Woodlot Services Co-op, and two private woodlot owners. Additionally, each regional planning committee is comprised of local partners.”

Welcome and NS DNRR Update- Dep. Minister Karen Gatien
Youtibe Video, 17 min. Posted Jun 15, 2022

Putting ecological forestry to practice- James Steenberg
Youtube Video, 15 min. Posted Jun 16, 2022.

= Forest Ecology and the Ecological Forestry Approach- Peter Neily
Youtube Video, 16 min. Posted Jun 15, 2022.

Family Forest Network- Andy Kekacs
Youtube Video, 22 min. Posted Jun 15, 2022.

2021 Central Woodland Owner of the Year Award Winner- Luther Sears
Youtube Video, 19 min. Posted Jun 15, 2022.

Iknmatimkewe’l Nipuktuk: Gifts from the Forest- Cheyenne MacDonald
Youtube Video, 23 min. Posted Jun 15, 2022.

Nature Nova Scotia Celebration of Nature

Nova Scotia’s Windy Forests: 2022 Celebration of Nature Keynote
Youtube Video, 1 hr 18 min (with discussions) “Naturalist Dr. David Patriquin kicked off our 2022 Celebration of Nature with “Nova Scotia’s Windy Forests”, a look at Wabanaki/Maritime Forest disturbance regimes, the Lahey Report, and the concerning place our forests are at right now.”

Why We Must Protect Biodiversity: 2022 Celebration of Nature
Biodiversity is a hot topic in Nova Scotia! Learn why scientists, environmentalists, and everyday citizens are fighting to protect it, with Dr. Tracey MacKenzie of Dalhousie University.

Diversity of Nature
Doctoral candidate Suchinta Arif joined us at the 2022 Celebration of Nature for a look at the awesome science outreach initiative Diversity of Nature, how they got started, why diverse leadership in ecology and the natural sciences is so important and provide tips on how to create inclusive scientific outreach for underrepresented audiences.

Recovery of the Mainland Moose as Healing Nature and People
“Learn about the efforts underway to save the endangered mainland moose. Dr. Karen Beazley from Dalhousie University will give us an overview of recovery planning to date and point us towards ways people and nature can heal together.”

Nature Talks: Hemlock Forests
“Our own Donna Crossland will talk to us about the grandmother of the Wabanaki/Acadian forest, the Eastern Hemlock, and a tiny invader that’s threatening this quintessential mature forest species, and what we can do about it.”

View more videos from Nature Nova Scotia
View Nature Nova Scotia website

At the  Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners & Operators Association’s 2022 Annual General Meeting  held on May 28th, 2022

What are the possibilities of a diverse Acadian Forest – Norman Paupin
Youtube Video, 22 min. Posted Jun 13, 2022.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Updates – Matt Miller
Youtube Video, 40 min. Posted Jun 13, 2022.

NS Working Woodlands Trust – Jennika Hunsinger
Youtube Video, 32 min. Posted Jun 14, 2022.

An update on the Family Forest Network – Andy Kekacs
Youtube Video, 38 min. Posted Jun 13, 2022.

Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association on behalf of the Family Forest Network as part of the Common Ground Project
Conserving Bird Species at Risk in NS Working Forests- Dr. Cindy Staicer
Youtube Video 1 hr 16 min

View website for the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners & Operators Association


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