Nova Scotia Liberal Leadership race: a fake campaign call related to a candidate’s environmental positions 21Dec2020

Posted on Stop Spraying & Clear-Cutting Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) this afternoon:

A woman called me this afternoon on behalf of the Kousoulis campaign. I debated whether to share this information publicly, but I know that a lot of you are also interested in the Liberal leadership race.

She asked me if he could count on my vote. I replied that I hadn’t decided whom to vote for yet. I said that I would like to see his environmental plan. She replied “he’s a business guy, not one of those environmental guys.”

I said that business and the environment could coexist but pursuing business with no regard for the environment has not served our world well.

“Oh, you think so, do you?” she asked. She said (roughly) that she and the campaign disagreed, that business should come first.
I told her that I saw things differently. I had hoped to have a chance to list which environmental issues I was concerned about but never got the chance.

Instead, she said, “I’m very pro mining and pro development across the board.”

Then she said, if we don’t make money from coal, mining, and development, “we couldn’t afford windmills and that other environmental-type stuff.”

I pointed out that the government of Nova Scotia actually loses money on the forestry industry and that we could be better benefiting the people of Nova Scotia.

She said she totally disagreed and hoped I learned better.

I was trying to explain that I am very interested in the science of climate change and biodiversity loss and that I believe we should be acting according to these crises.

She snidely commented, “I’m earning a biology degree but apparently you know more.” Her conversation ended with her saying, “I hope you figure out what you think. Merry Christmas.”

That was followed by a number of comments that assumed it had been a real rep. of Labi Kousoulis.

In one comment, the writer raised the question of whether the rep was real and “if there is a way to verify if she was actually calling on behalf of Kousoulis’ campaign. I’m thinking this is getting to be a dirty little race.”

I happened to look at the post as comments were being written and wrote this: “Labi Kousoulis is my MLA and I have asked him to respond/comment. The description is not consistent with my interaction with Kousoulis on forestry issues.”

I sent the link to Kousoulis and he phoned me within minutes. Minutes later he had joined the group so he could comment. Wrote Kousoulis:

Dr. David Graham Patriquin made me aware of this comment. No one from my campaign is making this type of call with these types of comments. I was made aware of a similar call made to an other supporter. Thank you for making me aware of this and I assure everyone that what was said was not from me, not do I agree with any of it. In working with Dr. Patriquin I went to the Premier 5 years ago and asked him to do an independent review of our forestry practices. I am not a forrest expert but I come from wanting a healthy vibrant forest and industry for generations to come. I was convinced by Dr Patriquin that our rate of clearcutting on Crown land was not sustainable and that is why I pushed for an expert review (Lahey Report). I look forward to becoming the Premier and moving ahead with clear reductions in our Provincial clear cutting before I call the next election. You will be able to judge me prior to me asking for your support in a General Election. I have always cared for our environment and I feel it goes together with good business. two decades ago I was an early adopter…[more follows]

Labi told me that this was not the first instance of such a call being reported to him.

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For the record: I am not happy with how the Government has responded to the Lahey Report and wrote on WWNS just today “…As I see it, the Lahey Report is now a failed process, like the Natural Resources Strategy before it and for the same reasons.” Labi had asked for and is well aware of my perspective.


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