From Forest NS
So reads a sign being distributed by Forest Nova Scotia. Reads the post on the ForestNS website:
You may have recently seen a lawn sign or a bumper sticker with the message ‘Nova Scotia Needs Forestry’ on it, and wondered “What does that mean?”
We’ve been talking with our members and others involved in forestry, and got the feeling it was time to show a little pride in our sector – together.
There’s many reasons why people take pride in their connection to forestry: they may be small woodlot owners, may work for a mill, harvest maple syrup or Christmas trees, be involved in silviculture, or own a business that works with a forestry business…the list is endless.
They wanted a way to show that pride. And so a simple phrase turned into a sign, a bumper sticker, a pin, and a t-shirt…and now more and more people are asking how they can be a part, and show their pride and support for the sector.
We hope you’ll join us in showing your pride and support for forestry – call or email us today to find out how you can get your own sign, and join thousands of Nova Scotians who are saying – ‘Nova Scotia Needs Forestry’.
or xxx@forestns.ca
In the light of rising global and local concerns about the need to maximize carbon capture by forests and to counter biodiversity losses (in NS much of it associated with loss of old forests) one has to wonder whether a sign reading “Nova Scotia Needs Forests and Forestry” might gain wider traction.
But I guess ForestNS took their lead from a Government Department that went from “Lands and Forests” (1926) to “Natural Resources” (1991) to “Lands and Forestry” (2018).
I noted at the time of the most recent change that “the title is not Lands and Forests (as it was 1926-1991 ) but Lands and Forestry, suggesting that the forestry function will remain paramount.”
The Lahey Report was released only 6 weeks after the latest name change and apparently prompted L&F to “change how we think about our forests, while maintaining a sustainable forestry industry”….”Nova Scotia will protect and enhance ecosystems and biodiversity as the overarching policy priority, as they are the foundation for other values” (re language currently on the L&F website & Government Response to the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia, Dec 2018).
But the name change remains, so why wouldn’t Forest NS, which includes 600+ members and manages a gas tax/access road construction program for the industry on behalf of the NS government, promote the same perspective?
Perhaps that’s not fair. To learn more about Forest NS perspectives, see Forest Nova Scotia, Summer 2019 Update
Some of the History of Name Changes at L&F:
From MemoryNS (bolding mine):
In 1926 the Commissioner of Crown Lands and the Commissioner of Forests and Game were combined in the Department of Lands and Forests, of which the Attorney General became minister. The department was responsible for managing, leasing, selling or otherwise disposing of crown lands; conserving and protecting all forests and timberlands, whether publicly or privately owned; and protecting, preserving and encouraging the natural increase of game and game fish. The attorney general remained minister of lands and forests until 1947, when the department received its own minister. In 1987 a new Crown Lands Act was passed and department made responsible for the acquisition, registration, survey and sale or disposition of crown lands as well as their administration, utilization, protection and management, including access to and travel on them, habitats for the maintenance and protection of wildlife, harvesting and renewal of timber resources and forest recreation. In 1991 the Departments of Lands and Forests and Mines and Energy merged to form the Department of Natural Resources.
On July 5, 2018, the McNeil government announced that “The geoscience and mining division of the former Department of Natural Resources will transfer to the new Department of Energy and Mines” and that “Timberlea-Prospect MLA Iain Rankin is now the Minister of the renamed Department of Lands and Forestry“.
ADDENDUM (Nov 22, 2019): I was remiss in not checking my own ‘In the News‘ where I had made this entry back in October:
Oct 10, 2019:
There needs to be a desire to change Jim Harpell in Truro Daily News commenting on signs :”Nova Scotia NEEDS forestry”. It should read NS needs Forests” says Jim. Screen capture of text at right
Thx Jim Harpell, that’s probably where I got the idea to write a post about it.