Australian songwriter & visual artist Mark Lang on Boat Harbour

Australian songwriter & visual artist Mark Lang has released a 6 min video highlighting pollution and environmental racism associated with Boat Harbour.

PICTOU LANDING FILM – BOAT HARBOUR & THE MILL, posted without ads on YouTube on Dec 5, 2018, had over 3000 views within one day.

It includes some dramatic drone footage and asks viewers to declare their support for the closure of Boat Harbour on schedule via Friends of the Northumberland Strait.

From the description on YouTube:

One of Canada’s worst cases of environmental racism.
Declare your support for the closure of Boat Harbour on schedule at

Please share this film with friends and family

Accessible only through the woods / gated road. I was taken on a guided tour to see where the mill discharges their pulp waste.

Boat Harbour, located in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, Canada was originally used by Pictou Landing First Nation people for fishing, hunting and recreation.

In the 1960’s an effluent treatment facility was constructed to discharge the Pulp Mill’s waste into boat harbour.

The First Nations people were promised this would not effect Boat Harbour or their way of life.

Within days of operation all aquatic life died rendering it completely unusable. Boat Harbour is now polluted with mercury, dioxins, furans, chloride, and other toxic heavy metals.

The current owners of the mill Northern Pulp / Paper Excellence Canada are pushing to extend the use of Boat Harbour past the legislated closure date of 2020.

The Mill has been granted multiple extensions since 1995. After 50+ Years of pollution and broken promises. “Boat Harbour must close on schedule, January 31, 2020. We expect nothing less.” – Chief Andrea Paul, Pictou Landing First Nation.

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