Has the Report from the Independent Review been submitted to Nova Scotia Government? No.

I have been getting this question a lot recently, while we wait for the report following the presumably short extension announced April 30, 2018. Some have expressed concern that DNR is getting some advance notice about it so they are ready when it is released. Re-reading the DNR Press release, it might be seen as a bit ambiguous as to whether submission to government and the public are to occur simultaneously:

“Prof. Lahey will finalize his report once he has this input. He will then submit it to the minister and make it available to the public”

So I wrote Prof Lahey telling him about the concern and received an unequivocal response within the hour:

DP to BL, TS: …. I know it’s not a long time… but many people are asking about the report and there is a suspicion that DNR is getting an advance look before it is finally released. The DNR Press release is a bit ambiguous as to whether submission to government and the public are to occur simultaneously: “Prof. Lahey will finalize his report once he has this input. He will then submit it to the minister and make it available to the public”. Any clarification you might wish to make would be welcomed. –  DP

Response:… DNR and the public will receive the report at the same time. The only person at DNR who has seen the report is Tom. He needed to see it to help me as the Review’s secretariat. Thanks, Bill

Thanks for the clarification, Prof Lahey

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