Monthly Archives: February 2018

Bancroft on the real costs and dismal returns to Nova Scotians of running the PHP biomass plant 24/7

It had been rumoured that the PHP Biomass plant had returned to 24/7 operation. Now Bob Bancroft confirms that we are back at it, burning 50 to 60 tractor-trailer loads of wood per day to generate electricity at 21% efficiency… … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, clearcuts, Conservation, Independent Review | Comments Off on Bancroft on the real costs and dismal returns to Nova Scotians of running the PHP biomass plant 24/7

Saturday Forestry, continued… Feb 3, 2018: how much displacement of our natural world is acceptable?

Saturday’s Chronicle Herald again carries several items on the forestry/resources front. First in clear contrast to PC leadership hopeful John Lohr, Pictou County Conservative MLA Tim Houston “is calling for an increased level of ministerial scrutiny of a proposed wastewater … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Gold Mining, Independent Review, Mining, Parks & Protected Areas, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Saturday Forestry, continued… Feb 3, 2018: how much displacement of our natural world is acceptable?