Two upcoming presentations related to forests and forestry in Nova Scotia


At the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute, 9 Mount Merritt Road, PO Box 215 Kempt, Queens County, Nova Scotia, Canada

Just received from MTRI:

“Given the news of invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid arriving in southwestern Nova Scotia this past summer, here’s an interesting chance, December 12th at 7pm, to meet one of the American leaders in the field.

This public screening of the short documentary “The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid” is free and will be followed by a question and answer type of discussion period with Mark Whitmore from Cornell University.
Hope to see you there!”.

Click on poster at right for larger version.

Click on image for larger version.

And a reminder (posted earlier under Events)
At Acadia University this evening
A “clear cut” Perspective About “science-based” Forest Management in NS
Donna Crossland to the Nova Scotia Institute of Science
7:30pm at KC Irving Centre Auditorium.
See NSIS announcement

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