Nova Scotia Woodland Owner of the Year awards 2017

Pater and Pat Spicer“The Nova Scotia Woodland Owner of the Year Award (WOYA) recognizes and rewards landowners for outstanding stewardship of their woodlands. It was developed to encourage woodlot owners to practice sustainable woodlot management and to increase public awareness of the importance of private woodlots in Nova Scotia and good woodlot management.”

“The 2017 provincial and central region winners are Peter and Pat Spicer of Spencer’s Island, Cumberland County. The Spicers manage a 1600-acre woodlot that has been in the family for 7 generations. This unique woodlot was the main supplier of high quality ship building wood products to the shipbuilding industry that once existed in Spencer’s Island, and continues to provide both social and economic values for the Spicers and the community. View Video
“I am the 7th generation of the Spicer family that have owned this woodlot…if we harvest in a sustainable manner, we’ll leave a legacy for our future generations” – Peter Spicer

The Central and Provincial WOYA Field day will be on September 30th from 9:00am – 4:00pm

WOYA Western“In the western region, David Bent and family took the honor due to the dedicated management of their 1000 acres of woodland spread across 8 different lots in Annapolis County. David’s home lot is about 185 acres and was bought by his grandparents in 1937 who managed it together with an apple orchard that once existed on the property. David grew up working on the woodlot and watching how it changed and grew literally from day to day, and eventually took ownership of the woodlot in 1981, and has been actively managing it ever since.”

The Western WOYA Field day will be held this September 23rd from 9:00am – 4:00pm

View Natural Resources 2017 Woodland Owner of the Year for details.

Congratulations Peter and Pat Spicer and David Bent and family, and thanks to NSDNR for very appropriate criteria and awards.

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